Ein 40 cm breiter Wackellaufsteg über einem Schwimmbecken. Gleich in der ersten Folge von "Germany's next Topmodel" stellt Heidi Klum ihren Kandidatinnen eine schwierige Aufgabe: "Ihr müsst in eleganter Abendmode übers Wasser schreiten." Modelcoach Jorge macht es auf Plexiglas-High-Heels vor: Wer einen perfekten Catwalk zeigt, schwebt geradezu über das Wasser. Wer die gerade Linie allerdings nicht trifft, läuft Gefahr ins kalte Wasser zu fallen - und damit aus der Sendung.
The 50 chosen semifinalists are invited to Schladming where they have to achieve a world record in highheels walking on a treadmill for 90 minutes. Being concerned about her feet, Joana withdraws after a few minutes much to the unsatisfaction of new judge Thomas Hayo. After the record is broken and a first live walk in front of the judges, 15 girls are cut.
In their first challenge, the girls have to impress a mass audience on a sky-location Ke$ha concert in order to perform with her on stage. At the second judging, the girls have to walk on a runway above a swimming pool where 24 more contestants are eliminated. After learning that she was diagnosed with lymph node cancer, Melek withdraws from the competition a few days after accessing to the new round.