While scouting out a new campsite, Stick, Rey, and Mint fall into one of the Invid leader's "Genesis Pits" where she is doing strange experiments. Dinosaurs, monsters, Invid, and possession are all part of the evolutionary experiments conducted by the Inbit leader, the Refles.
Rey figures that the Refles is trying to figure out what the dominant species on Earth is and how she can exploit it. Stick and Rey find out, through the Refles' possession of Mint, that the Refles plans to exterminate the humans in favor of the Inbit's ultimate life form.
Dans une forêt, Stick, Ray et Mint tombe par accident dans un goufre. Ils se retrouvent alors dans une forêt luxuriante peuplée de dinosaures…
Stig, Ray und Mint werden von den anderen getrennt und in eine völlig neue Umgebung geworfen. Können sie es aus eigener Kraft schaffen, zu den anderen zurückzukommen?