The story revolves around Alejandra Paz, a beautiful 17-year-old girl and her mother, Lucía, an undocumented US immigrant who is deported from Miami back to Bogotá, Colombia; desperate and broke, they are forced to move in with Lucía's hostile sister, Verónica. On the first day, Alejandra is invited to Isabela's party, Esteban's girlfriend. While putting a drug on Alejandra's drink. Alejandra is suddenly raped by Matías, Esteban's friend. Suddenly Alejandra and her mother are submerged into a world of intrigue and betrayal where money is no object and people are not who they seem to be. High school drama soon ensues as Esteban and David fight to win Alejandra's heart. While Esteban and Alejandra date, they are then separated by lies and betrayal made by Mónica and Isabela. Soon Isabela gets pregnant by Gabriel, Rocio and Martha's brother. Later, Isabela lies to Esteban that she is pregnant by him in order to separate him by Alejandra. Suddenly, David learns that he has the opportunity to be with Alejandra, while Alejandra can't forget Esteban and still loves him.
La vida de Alejandra cambia con la deportación de su madre, Lucía, y ambas inician una nueva vida rodeadas de lujo, extravagancia, intrigas y traiciones, tanto en la casa donde viven, como en la escuela donde David Castro y Esteban San Miguel se enfrentarán por su amor. Al tomar una bebida con droga, se convierte en víctima de una violación y, aunque esconderá su vergüenza para no darle problemas a su madre, decide buscar al responsable, descubriendo la realidad que se mueve en el interior del colegio más prestigioso de la ciudad, donde imperan la mentira, los caprichos y la inmoralidad.
Alexandra, une magnifique jeune femme de 17 ans, est contrainte d'émigrer en Colombie avec sa mère. Sur place, elle découvre un monde de corruption et de violence...