After several screw ups in battle, the commander decides that the time has come for a captain to be appointed. With everyone’s head filled with visions of power, the group loses focus on working together as a team. Meanwhile, Reiko and Konoe are getting used to dorm life at the school.
Strange things seem to be occurring all over Sumire Dormitory, which prompts Shun and everyone to investigate for Invader activities. One after another there numbers diminish as members go missing. What is the cause of the strange activities? Will anyone qualify to be granted the title of captain?
Shirei a décidé que l'équipe a besoin d'élire un leader. Dans le même temps, d'étranges événements se produisent dans le dortoir des filles. Les Gate Keepers mènent l'enquête, d'autant plus motivés que celui ou celle qui résoudra ces mystères pourrait bien être élu(e) lieutenant de l'équipe.