Gary Space finds himself stranded on a distant exotic planet of some kind. He determines it cannot support life until he comes across a creature of spherical design. He assumes it to be stuck in a paralyzed state until it makes a noise. He then proceeds to offer it a Pez. A Zargonian appears, startling Gary, and he disintegrates it. Gary names the creature Mooncake and the two seek out shelter from the solar winds.
Gary and Mooncake are unable to find shelter. They are attacked by a "Jabbawaddawada". Gary "stuns" the "Jabbawaddawada", but then discovers it is actually a rock, and names it "Rock 1". Gary offers Mooncake an ice cream sannich, which horrifies Mooncake. Another Zargonian appears offering assistance and is disintegrated by Gary due to his "bug eyes". Gary fears he has started an intergalactic war, and once again seeks shelter from the solar winds.
Mooncake has a flashback to a mysterious figure offering him and his parents an ice cream sannich. Upon approaching it, his parents melt. In the present, Gary wakes him up, noting he had been asleep for 3 to 4 months, leaving Gary with only Rock 1 for company.