Der finale Kampf gegen King wird an allen Fronten ausgefochten! Luke kämpft gegen Knight, während Sword sich gegen eine Armee aus „Dateien“ zur Wehr setzen muss. Lizzy hilft Sophie an das Hauptterminal des Eldo Netzes zu gelangen.
Sword bursts back into El Dorado with Sophie on his motorcycle and they meet Lizzy, but then become surrounded by King's robots. Sword remains to fight them while Lizzy take Sophie to attempt to deactivate the Eldo Net system. Meanwhile Luke and Gina engage in all-out individual battles with Knight and Queen. Sword is sucked into the digital void that is King and fights against a myriad of digital constructs, but eventually, by combining his Makai Knight form with Zaruba, cuts down King. Sophie struggles to destroy the Eldo Net storage unit, and when one of her tears falls on the ruby gem, she again sees Martin who gives her the password “everything is for my sister”. She uses the password to delete the data and Eldo Net begins to disappear, but as Sword exits the King's void, he is intercepted by Knight in his Makai form.
Sword e Sophie voltam para a ELDO NET, decididos a destruir o aparato de armazenamento que contém todas as almas abduzidas pelo sistema. Lizzy os ajuda pelo lado de dentro, enquanto Luke e Gina protegem a dupla das ameaças de fora.
Mientras Sophie acude con Lizzy a apagar el sistema, Sword, Luke y Gina deberán acabar con sus enemigos en una batalla a muerte.
Sword e Sophie tornano nell'Eldo Net, determinati a distruggere il contenitore che contiene tutte le anime rapite dal sistema.