Endlich in El Dorado angekommen! Doch der schöne Schein trügt. Schon bald erfahren Sophie und die anderen, dass die Stadt unter der Kontrolle von Horrors steht. Ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Corporation tritt mit ihnen in Kontakt. Wird Sophie nun endlich mehr über das Verschwinden ihres Bruders erfahren?
Sword, Gina, Luke and Sophie finally arrive at El Dorado, a glittering island city separated from poor people wishing to gain entry. Luke creates a memory-removing rain shower over the border guards enabling him, Sword and Sophie to enter while Gina travels to the Land of Guidance to replenish her weaponry. Following his orders form the Watchdog Centre, Sword plans to find out the real identity of King. They explore the city where everything appears to be made by the GarEden Corporation. Sophie enters the amazing Eldo Net virtual world and finds the happiness there is very superficial, but then she receives a suspicious invitation to find out more. Suspecting a trap, Sword, Luke and Sophie meet the citizen who sent the message who reveals that the apparent utopia is run by Horrors who use it as a feeding ground. Suddenly, his hideout is attacked by assault Horrors, so the citizen transfers his data to Sophie's cell phone which enables her to access the secure network and track the approaching Horrors. They also discover her brother Martin Hennes is the programmer involved with El Dorado and receive a message apparently sent by Sword. Later, they help the citizen escape, but are left with even more unanswered questions.
Gina se separa do resto da equipe para obter suprimentos, enquanto o grupo segue para El Dorado. Sophie quer encontrar seu irmão o quanto antes, e acha que procurar pelo King é o caminho a seguir. Em sua busca na ELDO NET, ela encontra um palhaço...
Sword, Luke y Sophie por fin han llegado a El Dorado. Ahora tendrán que investigar para encontrar más pistas sobre el paradero de King y el objetivo que tiene en mente.
Gina si separa dal gruppo per rifornire la sua merce, ma i membri rimanenti finalmente entrano in El Dorado. Sophie vuole trovare suo fratello il prima possibile.