In the closing episode of this first season, Arino visits one of the most famous and yet reclusive developers in the world, Game Freak. Arino discusses their history with company founder Satoshi Tajiri as well as their most famous creation, Pokémon.
This week's challenge is a continuation of last week's and finds Arino attempting to finish Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. Just as it looks as though Arino is no chance, Tojima presents him with a gift that could change the tides in this challenge.
Lastly there is an extended travelogue centered around visiting arcades in hot springs located in the tourist town of Hakone. When he isn't indulging in the hot springs themselves he's playing impossible prize games, broken shmups or leaving his mark with his trademark high score name.
温泉ゲーム紀行〜箱根を訪ねて〜 - 強羅・静峰閣照本/箱根湯本・金湯苑/箱根湯本・ホテルおかだ/仙石原・仙郷楼/仙石原・みたけ/宮の下・晴遊閣大和屋ホテル