The original endless runner, Atomic Runner Chelnov, is the star of today's challenge. While Arino can stop the Runner when he desires the screen will always keep moving in this high tempo action game.
For the second Singing Whatever The Hell You Want Arino belts out some lyrics over music from Super Mario Bros., Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man 2.
Project: Game Version 2 is making steady progress as Arino and Abe both present some character ideas to the staff of indieszero. A few weeks later and it's indieszero's turn as they show off a big character poster for the adventure game that'll appear in Retro Game Challenge 2.
勝手にうたいやがれ…『スーパーマリオブラザーズ』1-2(地下面)/『忍者龍剣伝』主人公がやられた時の音楽/『ロックマン2 〜Dr.ワイリーの謎〜』ボスを倒した時の音楽
ゲームセンターCX ゲーム化計画2…インディーズゼロを訪問