Yaryabol, instructed by his mother, altered the course of the 999 to his home world, where everything was of miniature proportions. As they entered the hotel, they received a dinner invitation from Yaraybol. Maetel was trapped in the elevator and Tetsuro was ambushed route and was captured by Yaryabol. Maetel escaped and found Tetsuro resting in Yaryabol's residence, where, true to his word, Yaryabol they proceeded to dinner. When Maetel told Yaryabol that his mother died in an accident some time ago, Yaryabol became enraged and insisted that she was still alive. In the meantime, the 999 was ordered to leave Yaryabol's world immediately, leaving Maetel and Tetsuro stranded.
La Locomotive détecte quelque chose d'anormal. Il semble que quelqu'un ou quelque chose bloque les rails spatiaux. En réalisant qu'il s'agit de sabotage, la Locomotive informe le Conductor que c'est le tristement célèbre "Petit Monde de Yayaball". C'est une miniature de la Terre entièrement façonnée selon les caprices de son créateur, Yayaball. Après s'être enregistré à l'hôtel avec Maetel, Tetsuro est invité à dîner par Yayaball.