The 999 arrived at the Hangman's Planet, where all the outlaws in Andromeda gather. Tetsuro met Mimoza, who wanted to help her father build a music hall. However, her father was killed during a hold-up. The Sheriff appeared and told Maetel and Tetsuro of a feud between the White and Black gangs, over the control of a gold mine. A gunman named Wester joined the White gang, despite urging of Tetsuro otherwise. Maetel was mugged at the hotel, and Tetsuro joined the Black gang to exact revenge. A gunfight between the two gangs anhiliated each other, but Wester insisted a duel with Tetsuro. Wester was mortally wounded, but in his dying wish he wanted Tetsuro to give his gang earnings to Mimoza.
Le 999 arrive sur la Planète du Bourreau, où se rassemblent tous les hors-la-loi de l'Andromède. Tetsuro rencontre Mimoza, dont le père est tué lors d'un hold-up. Le shérif explique à Maetel et Tetsuro la querelle entre les gangs Blancs et Noirs pour le contrôle d'une mine d'or. Tetsuro rejoint le gang Noir pour se venger après que Maetel soit agressée. Les deux gangs s'entretuent lors d'une fusillade, mais Wester, blessé à mort, demande à Tetsuro de remettre ses gains au gang à Mimoza.