The 999 is heavily damaged and forced to land on a planet under the despotic rule of the Cowardly Elder, President Delmukade. Tetsuro, Maetal and the Conductor are forced to travel underground where they meet Delmukade, who demands that Tetsuro sell him his young body. Delmukade's son Paschal arrives, and reveals that Delmukade is the only person living on this planet; suspecting rebellion everywhere, he had killed everyone else including Paschal's mother.
La 999 est dans un état vraiment mauvais sur la Planète du Vieillard Lâche ! Et c'est l'œuvre du président lâche de la planète qui ne fait confiance à personne, Delmukade. Son motif est le corps de Tetsuro car il n'a pas le courage d'adopter un corps mécanique.