The Snow Kids battle the Zenons in the first semifinal. Luur and the Zenons target rocket, who is playing defense, with a ball control scheme and gain an early 1:0 lead. The Snow Kids steal the ball and use a team attack with Mei rushing up from defense to tie the score at 1:1 going into Halftime. The Pirates return Thran and Clamp to the Snow Kids at Halftime. Thran changes into his uniform. rocket is given a penalty kick to put the Snow Kids up 2:1. Afterwards he's replaced by Thran. Thran uses the breath and goes after every ball. His movements completely change the Snow Kids defense. Tia and D'Jok manage to each score, and the Snow Kids advance to the championship with a 4:1 win. Harris learns that Sonny is back and that Magnus Blade is alive, so he puts Team Paradisia in lockdown mode. At the celebration party, Maya enlists the help of Tia's father to find Sinedd's parents. Adium defies her own words and sneaks out to see Aarch, but Sharky catches them kissing and turns it into an exclusive. Now Adium must decide whether to resign as the chairwoman and go with Aarch. Aarch must likewise decide whether or not to remain head coach of the Snow Kids. Sonny and Magnus return Brim Simbra to the flux society, and his spirit joins the flux council where it will be available for ever to assist. Magnus reveals that Team Paradisia is a group of cyborgs that contain the multi-flux, shocking the council and giving them somethign new to worry about.
Les snow-kids affrontent les xenons avec un score de première mi-temps de 1-1. Tran arrive au genèse stadium et part vite vers le stade, et les snow-kids gagne le match avec un score de 4-1.
Die Spieler von Team Paradisa bleiben aus unbekannten Gründen in ihrem Hotel. Nina 8 muss ihre Beziehung zu Mark beenden und Maya wendet sich an Tias Vater, den Botschafter, um ihr zu helfen, Sinedds wahre Eltern zu finden. Nachdem, was zwischen Addim und Aarch vorgefallen ist, droht den Snow Kids die Disqualifikation. Brim Balarus ist überzeugt, dass Harris den Cup haben will, um alle Fluxe zu vernichten und zum mächtigsten Mann der Galaxis zu werden. (Text: Sky)
I giocatori del Team Paradisa soggiornano nel loro hotel per ragioni sconosciute. Nina 8 deve porre fine alla sua relazione con Mark e Maya si rivolge al padre di Tia, l'ambasciatore, per aiutarla a trovare i veri genitori di Sinedd. Dopo quello che è successo tra Addim e Aarch, gli Snow Kids sono minacciati di squalifica. Brim Balarus è convinto che Harris voglia che la Coppa distrugga tutti i flussi e diventi l'uomo più potente della galassia.