The CEO of the Uki-Uki Confectionary talks about the new product - the Dokkiri-chan Chocco (with a free sticker inside), and he wants to talk to the product development department. It appears that the stickers in the packages are all of a depressed (and mentally damaged) boy, and this is why the product is not selling well.
In the second part, the CEO of the Macho Bread Corp goes down to the mall for a new Doki-Doki Bread. He opens to reveal... 3 Takeru-stickers in a row. The CEO knew that something wrong is going on.
「こんなの売れるか~(怒)!」 期待の新商品ドッキリチャンチョコに同封されたシールとは!? 商品開発の驚くべき真実が明かされる!