Die ganze Division versucht, Yomi aufzuhalten und selbst Kaguras Vater greift in den Kampf ein, doch Yomi scheint übermächtig. Wie wird Kagura mit der Situation umgehen?
After her father is mortally wounded by Yomi in an attempt to rescue her even with the use of Byakuei, Kagura stays by his side as he slowly dies, having a heart-to-heart conversation with him for the first time. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the SDCD decide to confront Yomi directly themselves in an industrial area led by Ayame and Kiri with disaster on the SDCD operators despite having superior numbers when they fought Yomi. After her father passes, Kagura inherits the Sesshouseki from him and receives a new sword from Michael: Michael 13 before she sets out to take down Yomi herself and eliminate the threat of the Sesshōseki in her body.
Yomi est désormais un esprit vengeur de catégorie A. Difficile pour tous les membres de la DCDS de s'opposer à elle, notamment Noriyuki, mais surtout Kagura, qui ressortent d'un cuisant échec après un premier face-à-face.
悪霊と化した黄泉。ついに、神楽の父「雅楽」と対決することに! 黄泉は「雅楽」に瀕死の重傷を負わせるが、自身も「殺生石」がうまくなじまず不安定であるため、意識の混濁が生じてしまう。朦朧とする中、正気に戻った黄泉が取った行動とは!?
Cuando el padre de Kagura demuestra ser incapaz de detener la ola de asesinatos de Yomi, el director y su unidad de contraataque SDCD se movilizan en un audaz intento de silenciar para siempre a su antiguo compañero.
악령화한 요미. 마침내 카구라의 아버지와 대결하게 되는데...! 요미는 카구라의 아버지에게 중상을 입히게 하지만 자신도 살생석이 친숙하지 않고 불안정하기 때문에 의식에 혼탁이 생겨 버린다. 몽롱해지던 중 제정신으로 돌아오게 된 요미가 한 행동은...?