In case you think you should be all clever and make a "funny" comment in the hopes that we'll see it and say your name or something...don't. Please. Just don't.
This week, we respond to your criticisms by telling you why all your comments about us are wrong. Did you expect us to agree with you? Did you think that you know our opinions better than we do? Just who the hell do you think you are, mister? Where do you get off? Who's running this channel, you or me? Let me tell YOU, something pal - why don't you get off your high horse and come down to our office and say this shit to our face. YOU MADE JAMES CRY. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? GET OVER HERE, BIG MAN. DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME WHILE I'M TALKING TO YOU!!
Ohhhhh boy did we get some great comments this week. Ranging from "YOU GUYS ARE WRONG ABOUT THE INTERNET" to "YOU GUYS ARE DUMB", your sweet, sweet comments gave us lots of creative, constructive criticism. And you know what? We're going to take your advice. From now on, we'll be more open minded. We'll try to include the opinions of every single person with an internet connection. We're going to take into account the full range of ideas, and we're only going to tell you guys what you want to hear from now on. All we want to do is confirm your personal beliefs. That's what we're going to do! Or we could just tell you you're a bunch of knobs. Except you. You're still our #1.
Dear Audience: Let us make something clear: we never intend to offend anyone. Sometimes, in the course of commenting on the really crappy games we play, we veer into subjects that might serve as sensitive flashpoints for different people. That's kind of the nature of the stream-of-consciousness commentary we do - anything goes in the context of the gameplay. After we're done recording, our editors cherry pick what we think are the most entertaining or interesting moments. Sometimes those moments are as innocuous as Bruce farting, and sometimes they're a little more edgy. And that's ok - we work on the internet, right? No matter what we do, someone is probably going to be offended by something we say, in almost every video we upload. And, unfortunately, we can't excise every single joke at the expense of triggering someone. Down that path leads milquetoast, boring, bland content that - let's be honest here - no one would want to watch. So please trust us when we say that no joke we make is ever in malice. In fact, most of them are at our own expense: mocking our stupidity, our ignorance, or our lack of professionalism. We love ALL of our fans, and we consider it an honor that you'd spend even a little time with you guys every day. Also: butts are always funny. Love, Funhaus
The Comments show is our opportunity to dig deep into the conversations our videos started over the last week and find the most interesting, thought-provoking responses you guys and gals had to our videos. We get to address those comments in a rational, interesting way. This show allows us to have an ongoing back and forth with you, the viewer, about issues you think are interesting or relevant to our videos. In the past, our dialogue has ranged from discussing our perceived bias for certain games or consoles, our insensitivity, and our video production quality. It's a great forum to let you know what we're thinking, and how we view our most valuable asset: you guys! We spend all week curating our individual choices for comments, cherry-picking what we think represents the best of the best from the last week. And then there's Spoole, who does zero work, comes in late, and chooses random shitty jokes. Thanks for undermining the show concept, Spoole.
Gosh, that's a lot of places to source questions from. Do you realize how much work we all do to find the best, most interesting questions for these videos (about Bruce's farts)? We go to three TOTALLY DIFFERENT URLs so that we can have an engaging conversation (about Bruce's farts). All week long we watch your responses to our videos. Each day we sift through thousands of comments (about Bruce's farts) and, over the course of the week, log the best ones (about Bruce's farts) into a document. Once in the document, we'll each take 2-3 things you guys said (about Bruce's farts). Sometimes one of us won't have time to find a question (about Bruce's farts), so we're able to easily reassign one or two leftover comments (about Bruce's farts) to that person. Then, once the entire document (about Bruce's farts) is compiled, we're ready to shoot! Each shoot takes about 15-20 minutes - we usually do them on Monday mornings, but this week we had Monday off, so we had to talk (about Bruce's farts) on Tuesday morning. The footage is then edited - sometimes the show runs a little long, so we have to remove a question (about Bruce's farts) occasionally. Anyway, not sure why I'm telling you guys all this - just wanted to give an insight into how the show works, I guess. Go ahead and subscribe if you liked this, give a like, and maybe leave a comment (about Bruce's farts).
Comment show, oh comment show We only choose the best Comment show, oh comment show We hope you are impressed We take your dumb dumb ramblings And then make fun of you But don't get butthurt, don't get sad We know we're stupid too Comment show, oh comment show A Youtube work of art Comment show, oh comment show Here's one on Bruce's fart
The triumphant return of -- (What? Not triumphant at all? Ok, I'll try again) The inevitable retu -- (Huh? Oh, right, we weren't sure we were going to bring it back. Once more from the top) The classic Funhaus Comments Show is back and better than -- (Ok, fair enough - it's not "classic". And you're right, let's not promise that it's better. Gimme another take) Funhaus Comdants is -- (Haha, that one was my bad. Again) Funhaus Comments has finally returned! (How was that? Good enough? Ok, I'm going home. Make the check payable to Joel's Voiceover Agency LLC)
Hey. We're on to you. We know that you're leaving purposely inflammatory comments in the hopes that we say your name on the show and yell at you. Guess what? We can see through that shit. What, you think we're idiots? You think we're like YOU? Wrong. We're geniuses. BABY geniuses. So none of those dumb comments are gonna make the show. STOP TRYING TO MANIPULATE ME, MOTHER.
They said it was a crazy idea. They said it would never work. They were wrong. The reverse psychology title bait we're using today is going to revolutionize Funhaus. Just think about it. By asking - DARING - you guys to dislike the video, we're drawing your eye. Making you think. Suddenly, you start to consider the ramifications of your action on a global scale. "How will my thumbs down affect the price of millet in sub-Saharan Africa?" "Will my college admissions officer see my thumbs down as a reflection of my potential contribution to my residential house?" "Maybe my future spouse and I are thumbs-downing together at this exact second." See? Really makes you think. Reverse psychology, huh? Anyway, please dislike this video.
Want to get your comment featured on the Comments Show? Here's a hot n fresh tip: don't write a comment with the intent of getting your comment featured on the Comments Show! It's a bit of a paradox, I know, but like all the best things in this world, once you give up and stop trying, you'll succeed. Just like finding a significant other, or a good job, or ultimate happiness, or the perfect quesadilla, or a cuddly puppy. Just give up!
Ladies and Gentlemen - you're probably wondering why I invited you here today. There is a mystery afoot: someone burped. We know where he or she burped: here. We know how or or she burped: with his or her stomach. What we don't know is the WHY or the WHO. Lady Violet: you were seen eating a chimichanga not 2 hours ago. Did the burp come from you? Corporal Ceylon: was it the saag paneer you had for dinner? TELL ME? Senor Sienna: I observed you furtively exiting a Carl's Jr, and I say to you, that burp certainly SMELLED like a $6 burger. Madame Mauve: After some research, I discovered you won a belching contest in preparatory school. Doctor Schwartz: I just don't like Germans. So: who was it? Come clean, and we can all repair to the solarium for iced jellies.
Man, your comments are getting more and more literate each week. Puns? Multi syllabic words? Gender politics? Quechua?! It's like you guys decided to actually pick up a book this week and do some reading. Congrats! Enriching your life is very important. I watched with pride as your comments have evolved from caveman-like grunts to simple sentences. All it took was weeks and weeks of berating, mocking, belittling, and prodding you to do better. Now that you're writing at an 11th grade level, I know I can leave you better than when we started. My 13-week project to civilize you has ended in success.
Voldemort forgot one important piece of information: The wand chooses the wizard... IDIOT. Something, something, Hermione's hot now.
Watch till the end for a special announcement from Bruce.
We hope you are all in a mood to hear about a dead woman’s sex organs, ‘cuz that’s what you’re gonna get on today’s hacky-sackin’ episode! We also explore why Adam seems so dead inside and the calming joys of watching Funhaus in the tub.
We get excited about getting you excited about comments about how excited someone gets by our comments. You’re waiting for a train; a train that will take you far away. (BRAAAAAAAAAAWWM)
You monsters! How dare you besmirch Omar's editing skills?! His fingers bleed for you. We're not mad at you, Internet. Just disappointed.
In which the Willems return from holiday, a ball is playfully hit about, a challenge is issued to the most cowardly of viewers, fanciful new garments are proposed, and a dog gets kicked in the face.
Get ready to bid a fond imaginary "Fare Thee Well" to Lawrence and Elyse as they quit mid-show to start their own hentai/celeb impression based channel.
You ready for the whiggity-whackest, dopest, most lit episode of Your Cizzoments ever?! Neither are we.
We try our best to keep it real positive this week while flexing our way through your comments. I just wish Peake wouldn't curse so much. He's better than that.
7. Bash felt a tightening around his neck and wrists. He suddenly noticed how little the bindings felt like rope. “We’ve actually been pretty impressed with your work. There’s almost an art to it, the way you muck up these marks of yours. No trails left. Real clean shop you’ve got down here too.” said the voice with a wave towards the rest of the basement. Bash sucked in a mouthful of wet, bleach-tinged air and weakly hacked out the only sensible thought he could muster. “Wh-...who?”
And lo, she was called Elyse, and she was our savior. When the armies of Grathnar were at our gates, Elyse did drive them away with her enchanting tune. Well, maybe enchanting is too strong a word. Pleasant? No, that's not right. It wasn't exactly enjoyable. What's the word I'm looking for. You know that thing when your ears have like that weird buzz. You know? Either way, the army or whatever ran away.
Bang Di finished his last set and nearly collapsed on the cold gym floor. He wanted so badly to get jacked, but it was becoming more and more difficult to find time for a pump. Through sweat-stung eyes he glanced at the the syringe his trainer had coyly left for him beside the bench. No, he thought, I'll do this the right way. I will remain true. For James.
Hey, the heart wants what it wants. And sometimes what the heart wants is your all too attractive cousin. Who are we to judge? The entire town of Shelbyville was founded on the exercise of this precious freedom. Go nuts.
IV: Brasik’s ruined body lay mercifully close by. Farinfoor braced himself on the corpse of a felled giant and slowly made his way towards the sound of desperate pleas. Brasik’s eyes brightened almost imperceptibly at the sight of his approach. He lay half-buried by the surrounding dead; his right leg ending in tatters at the knee. Farinfoor stooped to kneel beside him but was halted by his friend’s surprisingly resolute cry.
XII: Farinfoor slowly ascended the innumerable ivory steps in defiance of his body’s protests. As he climbed higher, strange sounds began to echo through the stairwell. A rhythmic pounding, like some dense, buried heartbeat assaulted his ears. It grew increasingly unnerving as he turned the final corner and beheld the entryway to the lair of his world’s oppressor. Through that thin mahogany portal waited the monstrous, unseen font of all maladies. Through that door lay The Impetus.
XVII: “Whoa whoa whoa, wait, Stygian what? Hold up!” As Farinfoor hoisted his axe to strike the terminal blow, the man closed his eyes, his pleas fading into a gentle but urgent muttering. Caring little for the prayers of some dark servant, Farinfoor brought his axe down. The blade’s path was true. It screamed towards its mark swiftly and without qualm. And then it stopped.
XXV: Farinfoor seethed with disbelief. “You… you made this place. Why did you make it so ugly? So brimming with violence and death?” “I dunno”, Harry shrugged without looking back. “I was a kid. I guess I was working some stuff out. My dad was a jerk and girls wouldn’t come near me. Anyways, it’s kinda fun watching all you guys go at it.” Again, Farinfoor endeavored to stand. This time he did not falter.
XXXIII: Summoning the entirety of his will, he cast his thoughts, his very being, outwards from that monument of dark creation. He took hold of this new and frightening revelation of potential and let loose a tide of its wonderment out onto the confused and writhing masses across all that was known. He allowed them to fathom, for the first time, that their lives, their world, was their own. Farinfoor unhurriedly opened his eyes, turned them to the farthest boundaries his vision, and watched as his world shook, and boiled, and then was suddenly, graciously still.
I know, I know. You thought we were only capable of squeezing out one poop joke per episode. Maybe we could relax and move ourselves to drop two at best. Well take a seat because this week we managed to pinch off a third one near the end. Don't worry. I hate myself enough for all of you.
Please don't make our editors angry. You wouldn't like them when they're angry. Well to be honest, they're not all that likable when they're not angry either.
I think Willy is going to work out just fine. He's punctual, fashionable, great head of hair, American, and does almost zero celebrity impressions.
You know that feeling when you're at work and you just sit back, beaming with pride, knowing that you've created something pure and good that will help to make this sometimes awful world just a little bit better? We we created this instead.
It makes me sad that, as a man, I'll never be able to carry a child and experience the miracle of a tiny bug-eyed parasite leaching the calcium from my very bones to form it's own stupid worthless skeleton.
It's always so exciting riding that sweet delicate line between ironic racial jokes and full blown bigotry. We are truly doing the lord's work.
If you strike Bruce down, he shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Sure, you all have a good laugh at the concept of "Sonntaloguing". You don't realize that they don't end when the cameras stop rolling. We filmed this days ago and he's still talking about console demos.
For the curious (because EVERYone loves Overwatch), Hanzo says ""Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau" when he ults, which translates to "The dragon shall consume my enemy!" I think it's actually pretty cool that... wait, where are you going?
That's it everybody. Internal struggles and years of seething animosity are finally tearing us apart. Friendships will end, jobs will be lost, and when the dust settles nothing will ever be the same again.* *Disclaimer: Everything will be the same again.
Except for that one girl in college who said the sight of my naked body "didn't make [her] sick but could we please still dim the lights a little". I don't like to brag but I'm pretty sure that she can be trusted.
Hey, brother! What're you gonna do when Peake calmly takes off his hoodie, neatly folds it, shakes your hand like a gentleman, asks how your weekend was, complements your singlet, and comes for you?!
This truly is a tumultuous time in our nation's history. All these new faces running around Funhaus, Brangelina splitting up, and... wait... didn't something else just happen?
I want to personally call out whichever one of you fans out there shook hands with Adam and gave him Tuberculous. It's really starting to affect our content. Not cool.
When I was a kid, all you could do with VR was sit in a gyroscope and have weird melty sex with Pierce Brosnan and Jeff Fahey.It's a joke. Because of "The Lawnmower Ma-" y'know what never mind.
We finally got our million sub bling! Thanks to all of you out there who watch our stuff, spread the word, and allow us to keep doing what we love! Y'all are the best!
What happen? Somebody set up us the bomb. We get signal. What!
Will the success of 'Talking Stalkings' lead to renewed interest in the series and possibly a '24'/Gilmore Girls' style return to television?! No. No it won't.
Don't even think about messing with Elyse's bros over at Achievement Hunter. She will straight up cut a fool if they hurt her baby boys!
I don't know about the rest of you, but "Cold-blooded Hard Elyse" just passed "Heel-turn Larr" and "Mattitude" for my favorite new Funhaus character.
Well, we finally did it. After almost two years of making content we've finally offended ourselves. I'm surprised it took this long, really.
Ugh boy. The "Hard Elyse" bit is getting more racist by the week. On the bright side, it has allowed Funhaus to exploit that new and exiting "Alt-Right" audience that everyone seems to be talking about.
Guys, please. Let's all just enjoy this new calm Lawrence. No need to pick it apart. Or wonder why. Or even talk about it at all. Ever again.
I just spent more time looking up how to properly spell "punani" than I ever spent actually touching it in high school.
"Alright, let's pop those pant off and kick this into gear!""Wait. Did you file the RC-215 Pre-Coital Petition?""No. I thought you said I needed a QT-301 with a Reverse Cowgirl Addendum!""Uugghhh! That's your problem. you never listen to me.""Fine, fine. I'll go to the notary and pick one up. Don't wriggle out of those ropes."
Some pilots never learn to use the cyclic to counter pitch and roll during the transition onto the skids. The result is sliding around on the parking space, which is dangerous. Go out and practice your slope landings, both parallel to the hill, and facing uphill (watch your tailrotor!) and you'll be practicing the same elements required for landing on level ground.
The good news: Elyse's impressions are back!The bad news: She may be dead from whooping cough by the time you read this.
Why do we always come hereI guess we'll never knowIt's like a kind of tortureTo have to watch the showBut now let's get things startedWhy don't you get things startedIt's time to get things startedOn the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, commentationalThis is what we call the Comments Shoooooooowwww!
The more I get of you,The stranger it feels, yeah.And now that your rose is in bloom.A light hits the gloom on the gray.There is so much a man can tell you,So much he can say.You remain,My power, my pleasure, my pain!
Whatever, Canada. You think you're so great with your handsome, charismatic leader and your precious heath care. Get back to us when you're a true independent state and no longer under the tyrannical thumb of the British Commonwealth of Nations! Daaaammmnnnn! Colonialism burn!
The hardest part of editing this video was finding an image of Blaine online where he wasn't either flexing, shirtless, or both. The second hardest part? Trying not to fall in love with him.
Did you know that the small bumps on areolae are called Montgomery glands, and that they produce a natural oil that cleans, lubricates, and protects the nipple during pregnancy and breastfeeding? This oil also contains an enzyme that kills bacteria and makes breast creams unnecessary. Huh.Breasts: Not just for masturbating to anymore.
Don't worry everybody. We'll never again try to burden you with quality animated entertainment delivered free of charge to your YouTube feeds for you to choose to enjoy or not at your convenience. We apologize.
Even if you bought Peake a mansion in the hills and stocked his closet full of tuxedos, he'd still spend every day in his old flannel jacket, eating beans out of a can in front of a tire fire in his exquisitely manicured backyard.
When I was your age we only worried about one millennial. The millennial computer virus! Y2K! Ever heard of it?! It was gonna ruin the world! All records were going to be erased and the machines were supposed to take over! I stored a giant tub of food in my closet and everything. All you kids have to worry about is terrorism, escalating gun violence, global destabilization, and the deconstruction of western democracy.
Is there a fetish out there where women want to sleep with guys who are just shy of middle age, a bit doughy around the mid-section, and make less than the person who takes your picture at the DMV? I'm asking for a friend.
"Hey everybody, welcome to On the Spot! My first team tonight is Funhaus and oh, would you look at that, Adam has already disrobed and started lighting parts of the set on fire while Lawrence casually urinates into my coffee cup."
Heh heh. Get it? The episode number? And the title? Hee hee ha aaaghahahahahahahahaha! Oh man! It's good. It's too good. You should have seen my face when Bruce explained it to me.
Just think of the internet as a lawn. And the comments show as a means for us crusty old men to scream at you to get off of it.
I feel bad for you guys. Thanks to YouTube's new rules about content and advertisers you've all just been robbed of the pleasure of reading a truly hilarious and super classy female circumcision joke. *(sigh)*Someday.
Here's a helpful list of each Funhaus member's official catch-phrase:Adam: "We live in a world where..."Peake: "Skoot! Skoot!"Bruce: "There goes the office!"James: "What a lovely day for some ham."Elyse: "Did you know Hitler was a vegetarian?"Lawrence: "I made a widdle poopie."Don: "I should really get back to editing."Dan: "Kabonga!" (followed by laugh track)Bones: "Everything hurts and nobody cares."Omar: "Bender, stop licking that!"Jon: "Do what you're told or you go back in the box."Jacob: (string of outdated racial slurs that I'm not allowed to type) Tshirts n stuff:
A blind woman once accidentally grazed Matt Peake's bare calf while sitting down on a park bench. Her eyesight returned instantly. Well, she's like 20/60 now. She can't drive at night or anything but it's still pretty cool.
When asked in a recent interview if his daughter Suri ever gets nervous about all the crazy stunts in his films, Tom Cruise responded: "Ha! Me? A Daughter? That's rich! Suri's not even a real name!", then put on a pair of Ray-Bans and strapped himself to the side of a descending submarine.
Abstinence is the only true way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Trust me. I have been involuntarily saving myself for the right girl for over 3 decades and I am clean as a whistle.
Bring a print-out of this description along with proof of purchase of a Funhaus jersey to RTX this year and redeem them for a free 3 minute tickle fight with Jacob Fullerton!* *(offer void in Texas)
My high school existed in some bizarre mirror universe in which the theater kids were all straight-edge virgins and the band geeks crushed tail and drove around in sweet raised pick-ups. It's okay, though. I did learn to ACT like I understood how to speak to and sexually satisfy a woman.
Now that "cuck" is officially played out, we look forward to whatever wacky term you kids come up with next to demean and denigrate us in the comments section of this free comedy channel.
"Yaw Honah, I'm jest a simple Suthin' lawyah stereotahp, a'standin' heah in mah crisp seeahsuckuh suit, gently dabbin' perspuhrashun from mah brow wit' dis heah monagramed hankuhchif, set to wow Yaw Honah wit' some simplitic yet chahmin' homespun wisdom. Now, does it seem ta y'all that a guilty man would hiyah such a tiyud, played out cliche like muhself as his council in diyuh cuhcumstances such as these?""Hmm... good point. Case dismissed!"
Turns out that a peek behind the scenes of Funhaus is pretty much just like regular Funhaus, but with hours of unbroken, silent, hateful stares and a surprising amount of racial slurs.
If you ever meet Steven Suptic, whatever you do, do NOT attempt to give him a hug. Not only is he disgusted by human contact, but I tried it once and his ribs crumbled like a handful of Pringles.
We know you're out there, Frank Marshall. We know that you're watching, and we know that you've got Congo deleted scenes hidden under your floorboards. You'd better believe it, buster. We'll findja, we'll stick a crowbar under your rug and, by golly, we'll see a gorilla shoot a gosh dern laser beam.
"What's the point of all this? Each day is more empty and tedious than the last. The most vicious among us thrive as fools attempt to nurture what little goodness remains. We struggle to find meaning in banal carnal pleasures while an indifferent world mocks our collecti-""Just blow out your damn candles, Adam. The rest of the kids want some cake."
I'm really glad that emojis have become more diverse lately. Until they came out with the little eggplant, I thought I was the only guy out there who's wiener was dark purple with a bright green tip.
I'm not really sure if this is how trigger warnings work, but could you please send one of those my way next time you're about to call me a tired homeless version of Adam Kovic in the comments? The rest of the boys are getting sick of all the crying.
It could be any one of us. I'll never tell. You can threaten, beat, and torture me for as long as there is strength in your arms and I will never, not even with my dying breath, reveal her name.
Quit getting all worked up over all the "teleporting" in Game of Thrones. It's a fantasy show full of all sorts of crazy imaginary stuff. I don't see any of you throwing a fit every time a dragon flies by, or a zombie pops out of the ice, or a woman has an orgasm.
Personal hygiene was very important in my house when I was a child."Brush until you see white, scrub until you you see pink, wipe until you see red."That's what my dear old mother used to say.We aren't currently speaking.
How the hell is Elyse still sick? Has she been rolling around in a Chuck E. Cheese ball pit full of anti-vaxer kids? She's basically the monkey from Outbreak at this point. I'd rather share an office with Charlie Sheen's corpse.
We all treasure having Elyse on the team. The other day we even chipped in and bought her one of those old Barbie Styling Heads at a yard sale. You should see how happy she is, brushing its hair and rubbing lipstick all over it. That thing'll keep her quiet for hours.
My awkward phase lasted from about 1989 to 1996. And then again from 2002-2005. Then for most of 2008, about 5 months of 2011, the entire Spring of 2013, and then finally from May of 2015 up until the typing of this sentence.
I knew a guy in high school who once refused to make out with a girl just because she had recently eaten a pack of Lunchables. In high school, I would have thrown that same girl in front of a bus for just the mini Butterfinger.
"Okay, just show me the way to your houseplants and I'll get 'em nice and fed.""Can't you just leave me a bottle of the stuff and I can pour it in later?""Oooo... that really doesn't work for me. I kinda need to apply it myself. I don't want to bore you with the details. Oh! And if you could maintain eye contact with me the whole time but then immediately look away when I'm finished, that would be great."
I don't think I'll ever get any tattoos. It's not because I'm afraid of the permanence or the pain. I just want to make sure that if I ever go to prison, the white supremacist who buys me has clean canvas to work on.
Don't talk to me about hard. Growing up on the mean streets of Santa Barbara, CA, I used to sing every word of "Mama Said Knock You Out" in front of the mirror while my dad braided my rat-tail.
What's the world coming to when a YouTube channel can't make fun of the deaf, and the blind, and abortions, and AIDS, and most races, and all religions, and dead celebrities, and dying celebrities, and dying non-celebrities, and, wait, did I say AIDS already, and Malala Yousafzai probably, and... look, I've got s*** to do. I'll finish this later.
My own modeling days were fraught with bouts of body dysmorphia, drug addiction, and crippling self-hatred. Plus, I could never get the decals to stick right. Wait. Did I say modeling? I meant model building.
INT - NBC HEADQUARTERS - 1988 "Johnson! Get in here! Alright, fill me in. What have we got lined up for that d***-nosed, cat-eating alien puppet?" "ALF, sir?" Well, so far we've given him a sitcom, 2 children's cartoons, a comic book, a TV movie, a trading card set, and four video games." "Hmm... make it six video games. Now be a lamb and help me dig this cocaine-filled condom out of my assistant's rectum."
This is it! The big Comments Show series finale! And yup, you guessed it! The whole series was actually taking place inside of a snow-globe in the hands of the young autistic son of Boston physician. *editors note: James and I are currently competing for "Least Timely Funhaus Pop Culture Reference of 2017". Your move, Willems.
We're still working on getting everything back up to speed after the insanity that was 4 straight days of streaming E3 content. And with Bruce out of the office and not here to tell us what to do, we thought we'd throw together a quick Fan Art & Comment Show in one video! Please enjoy. We're still trying to figure out our upcoming schedule for Comments and Fan Art, to bear with us for a bit...