As Saki's group continues to make their way through the treacherous tunnels of Tokyo, they came across a underground river hidden within the caves. They split into two groups: One group with Satoru and Kiroumaru to drive away their pursuers and the other group with Saki and Inui to retrieve the submarine so that can continue their mission through the river. While making their way to the Psychobuster, they were attacked by a giant ragworm. Inui sacrifices his life so that Saki can continue with her mission. After retrieving the Psychobuster from an abandoned building, she take off towards the sun at daybreak. As she run pass the dilapidated scene of Tokyo, it reminisces her of the time with her last conversation with Shun. Then she saw an adult image of Shun right in front of her.
Il gruppo di Saki cerca di farsi strada nelle gallerie insidiose di Tokyo, finché giungono a un fiume sotterraneo nascosto all'interno delle grotte.
동굴 안의 위험하고 기묘한 생물들과 조우하며 가까스로 전진하던 사키 일행의 앞에 절벽과 지하계곡이 나타난다. 목적지에 도달하기 위해서는 원래 왔던 길을 돌아가 잠수정을 가져와야 하는데. 결국 기로마루와 사토루, 사키와 이누이 씨 조로 나뉘어 양동작전을 펼치게 된다.