In gespannter Erwartung auf die bevorstehenden Präfektur-Wettkämpfe stellen die Mitglieder des Samezuka-Schwimmclubs enthusiastisch ihre individuellen Fähigkeiten zur Schau. Im Iwatobi-Schwimmclub ordnet eine ebenso enthusiastische Rin eine Inspektion der Frühstücksdosen an, um sicherzustellen, dass die Schwimmer die richtigen Nahrung für ihr Training zu sich nehmen. Allerdings...
With the prefecturals approaching, Gou takes it upon herself to make balanced nutritional bento lunches for the team. Meanwhile, Sousuke recalls a promise that he had yet to ask of Rin before he left for Australia, before asking Rin what happened whilst he was away, hearing about how Haruka and the others helped pick himself up. When Gou's attempt at a nutritional bento proves to be effectively inedible, she compensates by putting together a tough training regime. Later that night, Sousuke tells Rin he should give up relays in order to focus on his dreams, but Rin states his determination to accomplish both. Despite having always preferred swimming individually, Sousuke asks to join Samezuka's relay team in order to find something he's missing, challenging Rin to a butterfly race to earn his spot. Admiring Sousuke's passion, Rin changes the way swimmers are selected for relays, asking only those who are serious about being in a relay team to step forward.
Les préfectorales approchent. Rin va devoir sélectionner les nageurs pour le relais quatre nages et Gou prépare Haru et ses amis physiquement. Elle a décidé de tout surveiller jusqu'à leur alimentation.
Le provinciali sono ormai vicine! Preoccupata per i ragazzi, Gou provvede ad un controllo dei bento per assicurarsi che seguano una dieta bilanciata. Anche all'accademia Samezuka gli allenamenti sono intensi in vista del torneo, e Rin prende una decisione riguardo la staffetta...
지역 예선을 향한 몸 만들기에 들어가면서 고우는 수영부의 도시락을 불시 점검한다.
그리고 수영부 멤버들은 처참한 점수를 받는데.
한편, 린은 사메즈카 부원들을 데리고 수영복을 사러 가게 된다.
Anticipándose a las próximas eliminatorias del torneo de la prefectura, Gou propone hacer una inspección a los almuerzos de los atletas ya que entiende que, como parte del entrenamiento, estos deben tener una dieta balanceada. Esta propuesta causa una gran sorpresa.