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  • S2017E01 The Stolen Techniques of SLASHER Film HORROR

    • January 12, 2017
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    Out of horror movie sub-genres, slasher films are perhaps the most famous. They are known for creating classic horror tropes like sex, gore, and women running around pants-less. But what started this gory film craze?? In this episode, Kyle slices through seminal slasher flicks to uncover the movie that started it all.

  • S2017E02 Why Shyamalan Twists SUCK (and Work, Sometimes)

    • January 28, 2017
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    Twists can make or break a movie, and no one knows this better than M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN. His movies are literally judged on the basis of how well he does a plot twist. But why do some twists work better than others? In this episode, Kyle discusses the 3 Types of Twists, using Shyamalan's films to show when they work and when they don't.

  • S2017E03 How LA LA LAND Stole Techniques from Old Hollywood Musicals

    • February 21, 2017
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    It's Oscar season, and the critics are singing their praises for LA LA LAND, a film clearly inspired by the classic MGM musicals. In fact the film seems to be a love letter to MGM's own musical master, Director Vincente Minnelli. In today's episode of Frame by Frame, Kyle show's how LA LA LAND adopted many techniques from Minnelli's classic MGM Musicals.

  • S2017E04 The SECRET Behind FAST & FURIOUS Chase Scenes!

    • March 18, 2017
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    The FAST & FURIOUS Franchise contains some of the best car chases of all time, but there is so much more to those scenes than the cars. In this episode, Kyle explains the cinematography behind these famous scenes!

  • S2017E05 How Logan Directs Focus

    • April 8, 2017
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    LOGAN is probably the BEST MARVEL MOVIE EVER! And recently, they've announced that it will be released on Blu-ray in Black&White as well as color. Will Logan have the Same Appeal in Blakck & White? In this episode, Kyle explains what makes B&W movies work to Reveal whether or not Logan has what it takes!

  • S2017E06 The ABSTRACT Origins of Samurai Jack

    • April 29, 2017
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    Samurai Jack is Back! And I for one can't wait to see where he is headed next. But where did he come from? In this episode, Kyle explores some of the inspiration that has led to Samurai Jack's creation and abstract art style.

  • S2017E07 Why ALIEN is a CLASSIC Horror Movie!

    • May 16, 2017
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    ALIEN is about as classic as a horror movie can get–it breaks narrative, character, and thematic boundaries. But the thing that makes Ridley Scott's masterpiece so powerful might surprise you. In this episode, Kyle explains how Alien's production design is key to its legendary success.

  • S2017E08 The MOVES that Define Back To The Future

    • June 13, 2017
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    BACK TO THE FUTURE is a true cinematic masterpiece. But with so many moments that make this movie memorable, there is a key quality that often goes overlooked: The Blocking. In this episode, Kyle explains how blocking in Back to the Future solidifies its standing as an American classic!

  • S2017E09 Alien Takeover: How Valerian Created 1000 New Species

    • June 30, 2017
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    Valerian is set against the backdrop of Alpha, the city of a thousand planets. But when you have countless Alien civilizations that all need to feel unique and independent of each other, how do you go about designing them in a realistic way? In this episode, Kyle explains Luc Besson’s tactics for conceptualizing entire species from scratch!

  • S2017E10 Alien Takeover - How Valerian Created 1000 New Species

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