"If I can make a hundred swords in a night, give me your daughter," a traveler says, and locks himself in a blacksmith's forge. There was a mean doctor who lived in a village. One night, he goes to a mansion to save a young girl who's having a hard birth (repeat from episode 33). Senkamejo grew up spoiled by her mother, and was the prettiest girl in town, but selfish and arrogant. One day she hears that a beautiful statue of Kannon-sama is at the temple, and she and her mother go to see it.
1)「ひと晩に千本の刀を打つ。代わりに娘を嫁にくれ」。そう言って、旅の男は刀鍛冶の仕事場にこもる。すさまじい槌(つち)音に、刀鍛冶と弟子が節穴から覗くと、そこには…!?2)ある村に、患者を患者とも思わない医者がいた。ある夜、医者は難産に苦しむ娘を助けてほしいと頼まれ、大きな屋敷に出向く。だが、そこにいたのは狐の一家だった 。3)母親に甘やかされて育った千亀女は、町一番の器量よしだが、わがままで他人の苦労や痛みに気づこうともしない。ある日、美しい観音様が寺に来たと聞いて、母娘は参拝に行く。