Flugstarfsemi skipar stærri sess á Íslandi en gerist meðal annarra þjóða og hefur byggt ferðaþjónustu upp sem þýðingarmesta atvinnuveg þjóðarinnar. Þúsundir Íslendinga hafa atvinnu af flugi, sem jafnframt tryggir landsmönnum greiðari flugsamgöngur við útlönd, austan hafs og vestan, en íbúar hinna Norðurlandanna búa við.
Aviation plays a larger role in Iceland than in most other countries and has been instrumental in developing tourism into the nation's most important industry. Thousands of Icelanders are employed in aviation, which also ensures the country has more accessible air connections to the rest of the world, both east and west, than the inhabitants of the other Nordic countries enjoy.