Stofnun Flugfélags Akureyrar árið 1937, sem síðar varð Flugfélag Íslands, markar upphaf samfellds atvinnuflugs Íslendinga. Kaupin á 2ja hreyfla flugvél árið 1942, fyrsta millilandaflugið 1945, fyrstu skrúfuþoturnar 1957 og fyrstu þotukaupin 1967 voru meðal stærstu áfanga Flugfélagsins og flugsögu þjóðarinnar áður en félagið sameinaðist Loftleiðum með stofnun Flugleiða árið 1973, sem í dag er Icelandair.
The founding of Flugfélag Akureyrar in 1937, which later became Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways), marks the beginning of continuous commercial aviation in Iceland. Major milestones in the airline's and the nation's aviation history include the purchase of a twin-engine aircraft in 1942, the first international flight in 1945, the introduction of the first propeller jets in 1957, and the first jet aircraft purchase in 1967. These were among the biggest achievements before the airline merged with Loftleiðir to form Flugleiðir in 1973, which is known today as Icelandair.