So I was in Linus' office one time and we decided we needed a screenshot from Oregon Trail proclaiming that one of our team members had fallen ill with a settler-era disease. We ended up playing through the game, screen-capping the whole thing, and in the end we thought it was enjoyable enough to share with you folks! So here's a completely unscripted, impromptu Let's Play of Oregon Trail featuring Linus and James.
A HUGE Update... - fp Exclusive BtS Vlog It was bound to happen eventually :s
Are these boring? Let me know and I'll see what I can do different or if I should just stop trying to do these. =D
Hey, all! Episode 2 is coming tonight! Soon! It's still being worked on so in the meantime, I thought I'd throw this out here.
What it's like in the office right now...
We've got videos coming soon! In the meantime, enjoy this tour by Dennis of his home setup!
What's that? 2 videos are coming tomorrow?! Possibly?! In the meantime, you can watch this video about why I'm using a Mac AND a Windows laptop. TLDR: Mac can't do one thing. Windows can't do the other.
We'll return to your regularly scheduled programming really soon! I promise! In the meantime, here's another FP exclusive!
And yes, Dennis approved the use of the chat.
Well, it's that time again! Tuesday's video is probably going to be delayed as we're having technical issues with it. Today's video is still coming out today. Now a question for you all: Can I post these as soon as I get them ready or will Tuesday (or whatever day) come around and you'll go, "Where's today's video??" and forget that I posted this? =D -EY
Don't expect these as frequently as they have been but BAM. Here's another one!
Next exclusive will probably be next week!
WHOOPS. It's back. HERE'S ANOTHER FLOATPLANE EXCLUSIVE! Might have another one tomorrow if you want.
HAPPY FRIDAY! So, Sunday's video is going to be delayed but hey, at least you've got this exclusive!
Next one will probably be Friday.
You know the drill! Sorry! We've got one FP tomorrow AND a stream! In the meantime, here's a thing!
So this was supposed to turn into a video but it never did so I'm just going to put this here.
Just thought you guys would like a quick video. =) Haven't forgotten about you guys! -EY
Why is Andy? Who is door lock? What is secret stream? Possibly find out in this episode of FP Exclusive!!!
I walk around and bother people. ENJOY!
Guess who shot and edited this one!
Apparently I was very hungry when we recorded this... MOTION SICKNESS WARNING: there is lots of big WHIP PANS in this video.
But he didn't ask the most important question: Why is Andy?
Nicole made this.
Short little update!
Due to time constraints, we chose not to try to finish this video. Unfortunately, we also started editing this while it was being filmed... SO HERE YOU GO!
I don't know if it's a recent update that's messed things up or just that I haven't used my SE for video until now but it looks messed up sometimes. (I got an iPhone SE to replace my X which died...)
Testing the footage in different lighting scenarios and seeing what can be fixed in post and so on with the Chronos 2.1HD camera. You can see that there's a bit of an issue with fixed pattern noise when there isn't enough light. Anyway, posting it and hope you like the random clips.
I love that I can use titles on FP Exclusives that don't really make sense... But kind of do. Anyway, this got cut out of a video but we didn't want to just toss it. By Nicole
I wanted to share the hype and experience of the Ursa Mini 12K. Hope you enjoy! -EY
Quick little update from our favorite Dennis!
Top secret stuff in this one! Also, what kind of content for FP Exclusives do you guys like? Let me know in the comments and hit like on the FP exclusive videos you like that have come out so far so I can look at them and be like, "Oh, this has likes so that must mean they like them." -EY
A supercut of Linus getting shocked by Electroboom, just for you Floatplane!
Hi this is Dennis, I am a professional shopper, of course I didn't go over the budget!
Is it an exclusive if the clip will be in the final video? I'm not entirely sure, but no one else will see an unedited version like this so I *guess* portions of it will be exclusive. Also lots of things were once exclusive but now can be found everywhere, like toilets. In the 1850s only the wealthy had toilets. The US only passed 50% crapper adoption in 1940, but now everyone has a personal porcelain throne. What once was exclusive now is ubiquitous. Since Steam games need to finish downloading before I can resume testing, lets talk about the thunder can a bit longer. Contrary to popular belief the toilet was not invented by Sir Thomas Crapper, instead that honor goes to the Scottish mechanic Alexander Cumming in 1775. He designed the S-Trap Vortex Flushing Toilet we still use today, which is pretty great because the shape of the S-trap toilet creates a seal of water, preventing foul smells for the sewer entering your home and also creating a vacuum effect to suck all of your waste
You've seen him here, but now actually meet the delightful David! In his natural habitat the camera and ingest den.
This week on Meet the Team. He's a maker, he's magnificent. It's cool Colin. Heads up - the air compressor kicks in at the end of the clip, headphone users beware! -CW Also the audio desyncs - we are investigating -CW
I get lost easily, this office is a maze. Someone send help I am trapped in logistics. This tour is brought to you by spatial awareness.
Finally we get to fully meet the Spectacular Sarah!!! Note: The squeaking you may hear is not a mouse, someone *cough cough* wore squeaky shoes
Meet the wonderful styling and charming Chase!!!!! Always remember to charge your batteries : 0
We had a bunch of bonus footage from the making-of Desk PC that didn't make the LTT cut - so here's a little exclusive with a mini shop tour of Colin's shop featuring the drone wall and... woodpile?
Tech wiz, pickle connoisseur, and a maker of things. Meet the authentic Alex!
Hoffmann had some leftovers that he wanted to share.
It's fast, it's fun, but it isn't very detailed. Here's a quick overview of the shop. It's still a work in progress with lots of projects going on but it's pretty interesting to look at.
We put together an extended directors cut of Tech Show & Tell - Part 1 just for you Floatplane folks!
A Floatplane Exclusive? On Friday?! You know what that means! We're going to miss some FP uploads but we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming real soon. In the meantime, Jono shows off our new SC set! Mark and I give you a taste of our new rooms. I know this one is a bit different from our usual style but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Have a good weekend! -EY
Upgrades on upgrades. Some wonderful extra footage from the Jackery ultimate van tech video
Some tidbits left over or maybe re-used, I don't remember. But anyway, here's a thing from Hoffmann! Let him know if you like it. -EY
Cool dude, awesome writer, and an Apple enthusiast. Meet the jovial Jonathan. The writer and host for our new channel Mac Address
Nicole's servin' up a extra bit of footage for ya'll!
I think I might have written this one and was listening to Portal or Portal 2 dialogue tracks. At the very least, I wrote the copy for the graphics that was definitely inspired by Portal...
This video's from 2013!! Does anyone remember when Pop-Up Video existed? They had these little fun facts pop-up in bubbles for music videos. Well, I thought I'd do that to give some fun facts for this video that you might not have ever watched seeing as how the video only has few thousand views. Anyway, attached is the video and then video with pop-up comments!
So I had my newer editors give some old videos a watch to give their take on it. Kind of a, "This is what the company, that you now work for, used to do." I feel like I have to do a response video their criticisms as I had a lot to do with some of those videos and they were just merciless about it. Also, this whole video is out of focus - shot and edited by Hoffmann. On an unrelated note, I have 3 editor positions opening soon. -EY
This one's coming at ya from Hoffmann - featuring Jonathan Horst and Andy talking behind the camera.
Do you want more of the behind the scenes of what our employees have to say? Well look no further than this video. Get the behind the scenes thoughts on our video making process.
Another killer feature from Hoffmann "The Hitman" Wong!
Everyone loves technology!
Heads up! Today's LTT is delayed to tomorrow. In the meantime, entertain yourselves with some Mac Address!
As it turns out, when you put free Red Bull in the fridge, we'll drink it. NOW WE'RE HOOKED.
Welcome to the BTS clip compilation series. We hope you enjoy your stay.
UH OH what are you hiding in your history?!
Courtesy of Nicole - cutting room floor footage! Also, the Steam Deck video is still processing and will be up as soon as it's finished. Sorry! Hoffmann finished the video this morning after starting on it as soon as I had gotten back into the country (last night) with the footage. -EY
Extra footage courtesy of Marcus! Who's Marcus? Watch the other video to find out, sort of! -EY
15 minutes about volumetric capture with some industry experts, heck yeah. -Alex
These are excerpts from the chat with customer service to highlight my copy+pasting the same messages to 4 different agents. There were around 10 messages from me that weren't copy paste; they were about confirming my account, them not seeing the license under my account because they were looking at the wrong account, and then something about a discount instead of cancelling (which was wrong). -EY
Do you have an HDR monitor/TV/phone? We're going to try to get this out in the next week and we'll try to do it for videos that seem like they would benefit from the range that HDR can bring!
So here's the test run of the Bioluminescent PC shots in HDR. You'll have to DOWNLOAD the HDR version. I've also included a quick SDR grade to compare with. If you get the HDR version working on your end, maybe let me know: What display you're watching on What level of HDR the display is capable of Knowing these could help us in making decisions like, "Should we aim for 1000 nits if people only have HDR400 displays?" in which case your display would be doing some tone mapping and clipping to fit the range - and that might mean some weirdness going on, highlights clipping too much, and so on. -EY
I heard you guys like exclusives? This one's from Nicole.
Meet the marvelous, the wonderful, the really reallllly cool RILEY!
Have you ever wondered what LMG employees dress up as for Halloween? No? Well too bad! Happy spooky season to all you lovely people.
Get your microwave ready, got some leftovers for you to warm up! (That makes sense, right?)
After cutting up that meat, there are some scraps of meat that fell on the cutting room floor. Do you want a bite? Is the title and description really lame? Let us know! -EY
Welcome to the BTS clips from the previous couple of months!
You know how you build something and then you end up with a few extra pieces and you're all like, "...Well, I'm not taking this apart. I hope it stays together!" Sorry Asus x Noctua didn't get posted sooner, this is my way of saying, 'Please don't be mad." =( -EY
We decided it was time to make some ART with the handy dandy laser in the workshop. Attempting to fulfil Bell's biggest design dreams, we etched his PC case panel with his favorite things... It involves anime : 0
What is this? Well these are some clips from random moments at the office and on shoots.
Shenanigans ensue when your chair is so easy to unbox it only takes 5 minutes.
Are you a gamer? Then do some yoga!
Thanks to Intel for sponsoring the Extreme Tech Upgrade Series!
We ask a few of the staff here what their FIRST at home PC was!
We ask a few team members around the office what they hate and love about building PC's!
We messed up a custom etched side panel for Jacob, one of our contestants from this year's 2021 ROG Rig Reboot series, so we decided to try it again!
A little bit of behind the scenes of Bell, Emily, and James who took a trip to cover Nanosys!
Colton went around the office to find out what people at LMG like to game.
Meet keyboard extraordinaire and music guy writer Nicholas Plouffe, or "Plouffe" as we like to call him.
Here's a really quick tour of the new space that we got for
To save $900 on a fancy datalogging thermocouple, Alex decided to spend much more than that in labor trying to build one for cheap.
Alex tests out an interesting idea Linus had in one of our writer meetings. Can we make a Noctua air cooler... "better"?
A dropped CPU leads to some pretty badly bent pins. Are Linus and Alex able to get it back and running?
Meet one of the OGs of Linus Media Group and photography extraordinaire, Brandon Lee.
We give Buildzoid a call and he helps us with shunt modding a GPU. This is the extended version of the call found in the LTT video "Nvidia Doesn't Want You To Do This".
Hey guys! Here are some leftovers from Colin's shop upgrade plus some clips from the making of his new Sub Box. Enjoy!
What's the most important thing on LMG employees' desks? You'd be surprised at what we consider as important... (Note: we fixed the audio from the previous version that was uploaded!)
What do LMG employees (and Colton) think the best product of the last 10 years is? From handheld gaming, to 3D printing, and even watches, everyone on the team has their own personal favorite!
Meet LMG logistics person and former LTT writer, Nick Callanan!
We just moved into our new Creator Warehouse! Join Linus and Nick as they show you around the new space, with some sneak previews of some exciting products along the way!
Let's go around the office and ask LMG employees what their favourite piece of retro tech is! I left it up to them to decide what they consider as "retro".
The mic is out so that means its time to go around the office and ask LMG employees what their most played game of the last year is!
Horst and Matt have a quick debate over the future of Apple's Magsafe. This is an outtake from our "Which Game Have You Played the Most this Year?" FP exclusive last week.
As highly requested, here are the outtakes from our April Fools' Video this year. We had way too much fun making this!
Meet Andy Zhang: father, photographer, tech and car enthusiast, and one of our production supervisors here at Linus Media Group!
We're back with a few random funny clips & bloopers from our recent videos!
Meet Jake Bellavance, or what we call him, Bell! You might know him as the producer of the WAN show and also the channel manager of LMG clips, but there's so much more to know...
We were all told at this Monday's meeting to NOT miss this day at work... turns out Linus and Chase had planned out an entire day of fun for the LMG team! (and oh boy is there a lot of us now)
Linus wanted a fancy CRT for some reason so I drove across the province to go get it! Since I've done this drive dozens of times I thought I'd teach you a bit about the towns along the way.
Meet one of our newest writers for LTT, Adam Sondergard! He's an improv veteran, music-lover, and the man behind some of our most entertaining recent moments!
In this outtake, Anthony gets really passionate about trains & Apple.
What do LMG employees think about some of Canada and the USA's most popular fast food restaurants? Is Dennis RIGHT?!
The hoarders that didn't quite make the cut for the final round of "Who's the Biggest Data Hoarder at LMG?"
We had trouble staying on topic...
How do more LMG employees rank some of the USA and Canada's most popular fast food chains? Can Dennis' tier list stand against intense scrutiny from some of the office's biggest fast food lovers?
We test out the LMG employees knowledge on Pokémon and see how many of the original 151 Pokémon they can name. Will they show off their gaming knowledge or crack under pressure? How many could you name in a minute?
Alex tries out a new way to clean up a wet motherboard, but he's a little skeptical about it...
Who is the fastest typist at Linus Media Group? Can they handle the pressure and get the produce the most WPM in only one attempt?
What happens when you drop a top-of-the-line CPU in a vat of liquid nitrogen? Well...hopefully not too much since Alex hopes to rescue this chip.
A lot got cut out of our video "This 3450W Power Supply is a Fire Hazard!" Here are some of those deleted scenes that we spliced together! (Some clips from the original video were left in for context)
Watch how a skit is filmed and how good our acting skills are in this BTS of the intro scene from the 8GB of RAM in 2022 video. Lets just say things got a little fiery in the middle of the shoot.
Learn how Hoffmann's Intel Extreme Upgrade went as he breaks down his build and the what happened during his upgrade after 3 months have passed.
By the power of Tech Tips we were able to show you guys a BTS for an intro of an upcoming video. Gotta feel bad for Linus in this one #StopTheLinusBullying
In the words of Linus: "there are no right answers to this, only a ton of wrong answers". So, let's hear how wrong everybody around the office is about what they think the greatest year for tech was!
Tag along as Arty (social media coordinator) & Geoff (account lead) visit VidCon in Anaheim, California to represent the LTT team! A little bit of a different FP exclusive here, but just wanted to gauge your guys' interest in fun vlogs like this whenever we go on a trip! Don't worry, my feelings won't get hurt if you don't want to see more content like this in the future :) -Arty
We're back with another BTS but this time Linus and the team deal with some annoying tech problems in a LTT and upcoming Short Circuit video. Thank god we have Anthony around.
It's long overdue, but it's time to get to know a little more about the other half of the company! She's the co-founder and CFO of Linus Media Group, but as you'll get to know, she does a lot more than that...
We bring to you a little compilation of stuff that happens around the office while we film. Lots of outtakes, rants and unplanned events around here
Turns out bringing an entire Mac Studio setup to the beach turns a few heads...
Oh boy this behind the scenes was something different, Watch the full experience of Dennis finessing his way to giving a Linus a somewhat decent haircut, with all the laughing and banter cause there's a lot of it in this one
If you couldn't make it to our Backpack popup shop that happened last weekend, let us take you behind the scenes to see how it went. We're excited to see more of you guys at future in-person events like the Whale LAN and LTX 2023!
Linus provides some fun on-the-job coaching to Ryan Shrout & Tom Petersen of Intel during our video shoot of the Intel ARC A770.
Exclusively for floatplane subscribers, here's the full day shoot for our Kallmekris Tech Makeover video!
Linus gets even MORE close and personal with Nicholas Plouffe's home setup. Also includes a stickerbomb timelapse!
Alex and Jacob from Creator Warehouse show you the process of making the joystick condoms we used for the Ultimate Steam Deck. Gotta keep your sticks protected!
David shows you around the Ultimate Retro Gaming Setup we featured on the Are CRTs Dead?
Linus spends some quality time with his boy bestfriend Jake roasting his cars and dishing out jokes like the dad he is.
What does Anthony think about all the video game consoles that sold over 10 million units? Where would you rank them? (ps. we missed the TurboGrafx-16 D: )
We all have our off days, luckily enough I was able to film Linus rare off day. Also find out what word we can't use to start off our sentences during filming "its good to have a suck day" - Linus Sebastian 2022
Didn't get to break in the new new lab with us at Whale LAN 2022? Let's take you behind the scenes then! Huge thank you to everybody who came, you guys made this one of the most fun weekends we've had in a while!
Sometimes we wonder why videos take a little longer to film, but this time it's understandable...
Linus and Jake get a little sidetracked while filming the Router Upgrade video...
Get a closer look at the DeX setup Matt used before his Intel Extreme Upgrade and listen to Matt's bass skills!
Comment below if you want to see Linus reacting to the original "Secretly Living in Our Boss' House" video!
Even more bloopers from recent videos including some extended bloopers/funny extras from the LTT Screwdriver video. The best part of the video though is when Linus said "it's bloopering time" and completely bloopered all over those guys.
Join us as we wait for Linus with Nerdforge! But in all seriousness, this was one of our favorite collabs we've ever done, so enjoy some behind the scenes footage! :D
HUGE thank you to the Nerdforge for leaving us some Norwegian snacks for us to try out (most of them were MUCH better than this one)!
Can you guess what the most popular phone at LMG is? Who has the most phones? What Underwear does bell wear? Let's find out.
Somebody stated in the comments of the original Sister Build Video that they would happily watch a one hour version of Linus and Bella just talking together. Well...
Linus got his hands dirty (and bloodied) for this incredible temporary solution.
we tried to film a "day in the life of riley" video, but it ended up being a slow day. So sit back and relax, and enjoy what I like to call "what happens when you turn a camera on at LMG".
Days before the actual fight, Dennis tested his skills on James; yet another LMG coworker with martial arts experience. lol Idk about you, but I'm voting for James.
Dennis has descended into madness, this is the beginning of his supervillain arc. Enjoy almost 1h of training and filming CSF :)
AKA 9 of the most uncomfortable minutes that Brandon and Harrison had to sit through. Enjoy the unhinged jokes and banter between Linus and Yvonne!
We apologize for the delay, but here's some BTS from the Fight between Linus & Dennis! Yes, we can't believe that Dennis didn't get penalized for a delay of fight either...
The 2022 Cadillac Escalade! Does the 'Supercruise' rival Tesla's Autopilot? Is 36 Speakers enough? Alex shares his experience with you!
Is being a system integrator worth it? Will the trains shut up? Can Arty throw a box like he means it? Find out in this behind-the-scenes look of the intro we did for our review of the Starforge-built PC!
Some of you guys asked for it, so here you go! The full hour and 20 minutes of Linus and Jake playing PC Building Simulator 2.
We got a bunch of our staff to bring drinks from their home countries so that other staff can try them! Have you tried any of these drinks? Which one is your favorite?
We don't know if this is going to be a series, but Dennis really wanted to show off his favorite tech at his crib while we were filming a Channel Super Fun video.
Mobile gaming is back!!! This one is a few months late, but we thought you'd enjoy Linus suffering in pain.
We're a bit late, but here's 3 hours of Alex & Jake desperately trying to make this TEC Cooler work! Enjoy!!
Here's part 1 of Tynan's Intel Extreme Upgrade Extras. Part two is coming soon, an extended look at the process of getting all of the parts for his upgrade together, filmed by Tynan himself- there's a lot of super informative footage coming up so stay tuned!
No, you can't find a forge like this in a store. That's right, almost 4 hours of chaotic energy from an engineer who knows no bounds. A little behind the scenes of what went into the creation of Tynan's induction forge!
We gave the owners of some of the worst and most unique setups at LMG the opportunity to clap back a little at Linus or to defend their decisions.
Meet the Team is back! This time, we have Infrastructure & Technical Specialist Dan Besser; a person who wears many hats. Sorry you haven't seen one in a while, but it's back! We're planning on doing one of these a month going forward, let us know who you'd like to see featured on the next one :)
We still don't know if this is going to be a series, but Dennis ended up filming an episode while he was over at Colton's filming a Channel Super Fun video. Enjoy!
Can we survive with limited French vocabulary? Is the McBaguette worth it? Join Bell, Andrew, and Plouffe as they visit Paris for the Philips Evnia Launch Event!
Here are the uncut reactions from the Desktop Async Reprojection video!
The LMG Team shares what they think is the greatest phone ever! What was yours? Let us know in the comments! :)
Here's some BTS for the Levus Workstation video intro! Adam's build vlog is coming up soon as well. Please press F in the comments for Dennis.
Here is some more bonus content from the Levus Workstation video, Adam's build vlog as promised!
Or at least as "gamer" as Bell could find... In Canada, it's a lot harder than you'd think :(
Here is some more content from Geoff's Intel Extreme Upgrade that didn't make the final cut. Enjoy!
We're excited to share some behind-the-scenes content with you, almost as much as Linus is eager to share a story about his grandmother's teeth.
We got a bunch of candies from around the world and asked people at the office to guess what countries they were from! Let us know below if you think there are any candies we should try next time! :)
Six years ago, we embarked on a journey to see how well a Best Buy-purchased prebuilt gaming PC performed... then we gave it to Nick Light. Linus thought it'd be a good idea to give him a much needed upgrade. Apologies for the mic ruffling throughout the video!
Here are some extras from Linus' trip to Colton's house! Enjoy!
More behind the scenes with the Hacksmith from our collab! Just an FYI don't roast marshmallows over a burning Desktop.
Linus tried some more TikTok Hacks but not everything went to plan! Here's some extras!
The team is brought together to rank some of the most notable tech products of 2022.
*Clap* *Clap*
Here's a small glimpse behind the scenes of some of the stuff we captured during CES 2023!
Surprise! Apple has two new processors, the M2 Pro and M2 Max! We caught up with Jonathan to get his thoughts on the new M2 Macbook Pros, M2 Mac Mini, and Homepod.
Here's some BTS from The Most Average PC 2022 video. This is the last video of our BTS backlog, we're aiming to get these out alongside the original video moving forward. Really appreciate you all and thanks for the patience :)
Linus, Jake, and Dan go through absolute chaos putting together the new server rack for the Lab. Here's some extras! :)
Meet Kyle! He's the Engineering Manager at Creator Warehouse, and one of the minds behind the LTTStore Screwdriver.
Ever wonder which CPUs and GPUs are the most popular at Linus Media Group? We ask a bunch of LMG staffers what's in their PC!
If the answer is content, we're probably allowed to do it... this is no exception.
Some cut scenes from the newest Channel Super Fun video! Watch Vance cut Dennis' hair, staff reactions to Dennis' new hair, and the "Floatplane Exclusive" we filmed with Linus.
It's been a while since we've shown y'all a proper behind the scenes of how LTT labs is going! While there's still a lot to be added, some exciting developments are happening...
Uno reverse card, Linus is at Jake's house! Here are some extras from Jake's Intel Extreme Upgrade.
Join us as we launch LTX tickets and throw some cases around! Do you think you have what it takes to beat the furthest throw?
We gave Linus a chance to defend himself...
A lot of you mentioned you like moving vlogs... luckily for you, we're in the middle of the biggest move we've had in years! Stay tuned for an upcoming full LTT video on how the labs are looking...
Here's some cut footage from Linus' trip to xQc including Linus roasting his old PC setup. Enjoy!
We saw the labs team move in, we saw logistics move in, now it's time for the writers to move to the lab!
Moar BTS!!! Linus shares a little bit about his time at NCIX (his old employer), tries to find the exact store that this sign belonged to with Tanner, and discovers that he has a hole in his pants.
The Engineering team just got some new toys!
Meet Jake Daynes! He's a software architect, a key person in the development of LTT labs, and he's definitely been a few places... (apologies for the buzzing in the lab, we can't avoid it either!)
We got another exclusive for y'all, this time through the eyes of Maria, our Thumbnail Artist and LTT Store photographer!
We go around the office and ask LMG staff what tech makes them feel the most nostalgic!
Enjoy 40 more minutes of Linus and Alex completing the most unnecessary, yet coolest task ever.
Just wanted to do a little stream to welcome all the new peeps to floatplane, show off some cool new features, and tease some exciting new content :D
It was a stressful day yesterday with three of our channels getting hacked and shut down, so we switched up the mood with some of the memes you guys made! You guys are quick with it lol.
Another day, another move... this time we welcome you to the new home of LMG's business department, Bizneyland!
Here's some of the hot takes that didn't make the final cut, and also some outtakes/extra footage from the main video. Watch the full video here.
Here's a sneak peek into all the fun we had while filming the Uncle Linus' Potato Farm Video!
Behold, the esteemed gentleman who's not only an original figure from the early days of the channel but is now the Chief Operating Officer of LMG. Nick Light, graces us with his presence and offers his reaction to his debut on-camera appearance for Linus Tech Tips.
Here are some extras from Mehdi's visit to the LMG headquarters to test out some anti-static bracelets (and definitely not to torture Linus with electricity).
Come join Tynan as he unwraps a new toy for the company!
Here's the first batch of FULL INTERVIEWS from the 2023 version of "What's it Like to Work for LMG". A new batch is coming next week!
It's a rare sight that we get to see (almost) the entire writers and the labs team together doing one activity. It just so happens that the event is building chairs...
Here's the second batch of FULL INTERVIEWS from the 2023 version of "What's it Like to Work for LMG". A new batch is coming next week!
Yes! Colton still works here and he's looking back to a time before LMG.
It's not every day that we get to bring our dogs (and cat) to work. See the final merch photos here!
Here's the third batch of FULL INTERVIEWS from the 2023 version of "What's it Like to Work for LMG". A new batch is coming next week!
Nothing's better than family banter, so here's almost another 50 minutes of it! Also included: uncut (and painful) footage of Linus teaching Esther how to play Minecraft.
Time flies, Sarah's already been on the team for more than three years now! Here's her reaction to her first appearance on a Channel Super Fun video...
Here's the fourth batch of FULL INTERVIEWS from the 2023 version of "What's it Like to Work for LMG".
We put together some random BTS clips from around the office that aren't really long enough for their own exclusive!
This time we're back with Dennis and his first appearance on camera!
Here's the fifth batch of FULL INTERVIEWS from the 2023 version of "What's it Like to Work for LMG". While this is the last batch of employees, a full interview with Linus is going up next week!
Meet Tanner McCoolman - one of the LTT Writers! He's done stand-up comedy, speaks a little Japanese, and loves dealing with cool old tech!
Here's the last interview from our "Working for LMG" series- this time from the CEO *ahem*, former CEO himself, Linus Sebastian!
Here are the extras from Yvonne's AMD Ultimate Extreme Upgrade!
We thought you didn't get enough of Linus in a sexy maid outfit, so here's 12 more minutes for your eyes to behold!
Take a look into how Dennis creates his funny and engaging sponsor integrations all the way through pre-production to editing.
Now that both of our videos (LTT & MA) are up on the new announcements at WWDC '23, here are the ACTUAL first impressions from the Mac Address team just minutes after the end of the presentation.
It's been a while since we've done a proper prank around here... Dennis was gone for a month so it was the perfect opportunity!
Meet our resident coffee expert, Tim Holowachuk of LTT labs! In this interview, he also gives you a deeper look at what's going on behind the scenes at LTT labs...
As promised in our latest lab tour, Jake Daynes is here to give you a tour of our new RF Chamber and dives a little deeper into how it works.
We were told to come to work with weather-appropriate gear on Monday at a very specific time, and saw two buses outside of the Studio and the Lab... thanks Yvonne & Linus for the field trip!
Here are some funny moments between Adam and Linus from the 650W Monoblock video shoot!
We're back again with some more random BTS clips from the office that aren't really long enough for their own exclusive!
We just launched a brand new gaming news channel: GameLinked. Here's how the intro to the announcement video was made!
On this episode of the DAN show, Dan and Konrad walk you through how the WAN show works behind the scenes in-depth!
Join Kyle and Alex on their quest to power up a 60 horsepower fan...
Don't try this at home... unless you really enjoy pain.
Here are some extras from our 'I said YES to everything' video where Linus gets mad at Optimus Prime because he doesn't want to listen.
Here's the full call that we had with Mark Rober! Watch the full video here:
Classic Linus with his tech tips. This is an extra clip from The Worst CPU Ever Made
Kyle and Robert walk you through the design process behind the stubby version of the LTT screwdriver! Coming soon™
Here's the full clip of Linus reacting to the infamous 'Asmondgold's Lair' during our 'Roasting Creator & Celebrity Setups' video.
Here's a sneak preview of one of the booths we're going to be hosting at LTX- building your own screwdriver!
Couldn't make it to Vancouver for the in-person tours we're running during LTX? Don't worry, join Adam as he gives you a guided personal tour around the LMG Studio!
Here are 1 hour of extras from Linus, Tim, Alex, and Jake building the $100,000 Karl Jacobs Desk PC.
We asked LTX Digital Pass members on Floatplane if they had any questions for creators/staff at LTX 2023- here are some of these questions answered by creators/staff we could find!
Meet Nicole Yuen, our Production Supervisor at LMG! She tells us what it's like working with the editing team and how fast everything has grown since she first started!
Elijah checks up on the Bizneyland crew to see how things are after their move. Also, Red Bull o' Clock?
Floatplane Exclusives are back! It's been a while, but here are the extras from A Prime's AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade. More exclusives coming soon...
We went around the office and asked some of our creative staff (+ Dan) what they think about Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Welcome to the inaugural episode of LMG Whips! In this episode, Alex, our resident car reviewer, gives you a tour of his 2021 Volkswagen Golf GTI. Let us know who's car you want to see next!
Hey Floatplane! This was supposed to be a main LTT video, but we weren't completely satisfied with how it turned out (some of the video issues we experienced are explained by Linus in the video). However, this was still a fun experience overall, and wanted to share it with you here!
Welcome to our new show, "How Well do You Know Your Boss" where we see just how well an employee knows their boss. This episode we have Geoff and Shahrad from the business department pit against Elijah and Alex D from Logistics.
We went around the office and asked people about their Steam accounts. How much have they spent? How many games have they played? You might be surprised when you hear some of these figures. How many hours of play time do you have on Steam?
Some extra clips that didn't make it into the final cut of We Bought EVERYTHING in this Mom & Pop Computer Store
The unloading of $31,000 somewhat useless tech products has caught wind at LMG.
"Their First Time" returns with Yvonne reminiscing her history with LMG!
We're back with episode two of How Well Do You Know Your Boss feature Riley, Jakob, Kyle and Tynan.
LMG Whips isn't only about the latest and greatest... in this episode Jonathan shows you around his 2005 4-door Honda Accord!
Apple introduced a Precision Finding feature with the new iPhone 15s that allow friends to track exactly where each other is. Naturally, we tried it out with a little game of hide and seek...
As promised in our "What Do We Do Now?" video, here is the entire process detailed from start to finish on how LTT Labs tests products.
If you've been here since the NCIX days, Riley may be one of the first (current) LMG employees that you've seen! Here's his reaction to his first time on camera.
Last month, Alex, Bell, and Matt visited the Fully Charged EV Show to check out what's happening in the EV industry!
We're back again with some more random BTS clips from the office that aren't really long enough for their own exclusive! We've also included Tynan talking about our Metal 3D Printer as a bonus!
Here are some extras from Adam P's AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade that didn't make it into the main video.
Day one of the shoot- it was a little chaotic. Enjoy!
With Spooky Season coming soon and the new Five Nights at Freddy's movie coming out, we decided to have some our employees play the very first game to see just how well it holds up!
You will not believe what Sarah's carving this Halloween. Watch to find out!
We're back with episode three of How Well Do You Know Your Boss feature Colton, Dennis and Shawn! Check out the extra clips as well!"
Jonathan reacts to his first ever Mac Address video and shares his on-screen experiences with us (even before LMG!).
A week before Halloween, the peeps over at Bizneyland decided to get a little festive while standing on business...
Here's the somewhat uncut version of Dan fixing Linus' phone!
Here are some extras from Ariana's AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade that didn't make it into the main video.
Ever wonder how Linus communicates with our editors while filming a video?
The not part two of Dan fixing Linus' phone
James Strieb reacts to his first appearance on an LTT video and reminisces about how much the company has grown!
Tynan reacts to some very special screwdrivers sent in by one of our fans!
Welcome to our new series "Tech we Missed" where we get first impressions on products that didn't make it into any of our YouTube channels. Let us know what you think!
Arjun sits down and chats with LMG's Social Media Manager, Arty!
We got one representative from each department in the company duke it out to determine which department has peak human skills
Thanks for your patience with us last week on the backpack dual layer issue, here's our full write-up if you want to learn more. In the meantime, our fashion team was super excited to get their hands on this amazing backpack that was used by someone in the mining industry. Full write-up coming soon to the lttstore newsletter!
Here are some extras from Alex Dick's AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade that didn't make it into the main video.
Last week, we showed you an LTT Backpack that was used in a coal mine for a year! The fashion team ended up tearing it apart to compare to a new backpack to see how our materials perform in harsh conditions...
What other things can we crush in the hard drive crusher? Let's find out.
Merry Christmas! You smashed the like record, so as promised in this video... Colton took a visit to a local Tattoo Parlor and we got some reactions from Linus, Terren, and others!
Here's a behind the scenes look at how we shot the intro for Water Cooling a Laptop for $30!
Getting this thing into Linus' house was harder than you'd think...
We're back with the second final episode of How Well Do You Know Your Boss feature Sarah, Nick, James and Bell!
Welcome to the final episode of "How Well Do You Know Your Boss" featuring Linus Terren Luke and Dan!
2023 had a lot of cool tech come out. Let's see what LMG's favorite tech of 2023 was! *Note this was filmed in December
We're back again with some more random BTS clips from the office that aren't really long enough for their own exclusive!
These is an exclusive behind the scenes look at how we shot the intro to "I Spilled Coke on my Gaming PC… WHAT DO I DO?"
David takes you on a tour of the setup behind the RetroTINK 4K Review!
As promised many moons ago, here is Linus Interviewing the new CEO, Terren Tong!
Alex had some free time during CES 2024, so we decided to follow him around and take you with him!
We have to move the Scorpion chair upstairs to the writer's den so Eli can daily drive it for 90 days. It's rough.
Watch ElectroBOOM make a NAS for the first time! More to come...
Part 2 of the ElectroBOOM Tech Upgrade extras
Take a peak at Adam's challenge when he did a pushup every time he saw AI at CES 2024!
Some clips that didn't make the main video!
Here are some scenes that didn't make the final cut!
Full uncut version of David and Linus playing chess from "LG Made a Suitcase TV"!
We've seen some of your comments wanting us to do a little explainer video on the PCs that you might see on-set in some of our videos... so we got Dan, Bell, Chase, and Colin to help out!
Meet Mark! He's the most senior editor at Linus Media Group, and you may have seen him in an LTT or Mac Address video or two...
We cut a dead PC in half for a meme, which seems to be a recurring pattern...
As promised on the WAN show, here is (almost) the FULL DAY SHOOT from Kyle's AMD Upgrade! It's a good (almost) 4 hours of Kyle, Elijah, and Linus trying not to kill eachother.
Over 2 years of planning has led to this... the making of Kyle's Wyrmwood inspired gaming table which slots in TWO gaming PCs as featured in his AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade!
Ever wonder what Linus' perspective is while he's shooting a video? Here's Linus' POC while shooting the Apple Vision Pro Review!
Maria, our thumbnail designer, shows us funny sketches sent in by our writers!
While Colin was away getting a light meter to test the display, Linus & Plouffe played a little Battle Mode in Super Mario Bros 3... Watch the full video here.
We sponsored our co-op student's Baja Race!
Trying something new for the Floaties, showing you guys small previews of videos we're excited about! Starting with the 10 minutes of raw ARoll footage from the Ludwig Linus collaboration that was shot yesterday!
Here are some extras from Jake's AMD Upgrade that didn't make it into the main video.
Linus races Mario on a 170' screen and Dan tries to crash a plane into the LMG office!
It's LMG Spring Break over here on Floatplane, so we got one representative from each department to participate in a Paper Airplane battle!
It's Floatplane Spring Break! We visited Blacklab Computers from the We Bought EVERYTHING in this Mom & Pop Computer Store video 6 months after we filmed to see what's changed...
Floatplane Spring Break continues on! Ludwig learns what a normal shoot at LMG is like and meets Linus for the first time at the LMG office.
A follow up to one of our favorite Channel Super Fun videos of all time, Ultimate Office Hide And Seek Royale! This time, winner gets lunch courtesy of the social team.
As heavily requested, here are the behind the scenes for this year's April Fools' video. As you can imagine, this took a ton of time, planning, and effort (thanks David) to make a seemingly small joke come to life!
In the true spirit of the old house, Dennis thought it'd be a great opportunity to get revenge on Linus after he staged a fake robbery in the same house...
This video contains adult themes and might not be suitable for work. As the title states.. there was one thing about this system that they couldn't stop joking about.
Here's a 1 hour and 30 minute long extended cut of Ludwig being tormented by Linus, Tanner, and Justin!
Tanner talks about the rabbit hole he went down finding out information about the North Korean Wii. We talk about the Smoking Monkey, North Korean YouTube accounts and their surprisingly good 3D Animation. Since this is a new series, let us know what you think about it!
We still had so much leftover footage from our move into the old Langley house, so here's almost 40 mins of it!
These were the chaotic moments of the Top 10 Weird Linux ISOs you didn't see.
It's been 90 days since Elijah originally took the challenge of daily driving the AliExpress Scorpion Chair for 90 days, let's see how that went...
We catch Elijah taking apart The Humble PC and ask him some questions regarding the shoot! What's next for it? How much did it cost? Why was it a 8 hour shoot?
Here are the drinks that Linus tried during "I tried 20 influencer foods, here are the best… and the worst…", but since it was such a fun shoot, we also threw in some Behind the Scenes!
For the first video of Luke Week, we made a video on a topic he is passionate about; the gaming industry and the love hate relationship he has with it.
We catch Emily a day later after the LTT shoot and gives more insight into the prodcut and some random ramblings!
The second video of Luke week and we're showing Luke's Birds; Scoop and Wall-E!
Hey y'all! We know some of you use Floatplane as your primary way to keep up with us. With that in mind, we want to make sure you're updated when new limited LTTStore collections drop, so that you have the opportunity to get them when you can.
As mentioned on the WAN Show, Luke has a chicken recipe that has a proven 100% success rate when it comes to dates. While we can't guarantee it'll work every time, it's a pretty darn good chicken recipe that even beginner cooks can do!
Here’s some Behind the Scenes footage from the “I Upgraded His Car While He Was On Vacation” LTT video, including a quick interview with Plouffe about his car.
We catch up with Tanner to give more insight into the product and play Mario Kart the way it was intentded! ...Probably.
Hey Floatplane! As a special treat, we also recorded a Spatial Version of the Budget POV PC build video! We've provided a google drive link for you to download the video. Note that the video plays as a regular 1080p video on devices that don't support the format!
Hey Flowplans! I got a chance to film Alex's Scrum which basically is trying to figure out what a project is going to be about, the scope, etc. This is an upcoming sponsored video which is decking out EmilyS' camper van into a gamer van! Check it out! - Sammy
For David's Roll the Dice stream, one of the punishments was for Linus to try hot sauces and to make sure Linus won't too hurt, David wanted to try them out. We got Jake Bellavance and Robert Oakes to try them as well
Lisa from Creator Warehouse REALLY love these boots called the Black Morseo Vinyl Boots. So much so she wanted to recreate it and try them on herself! We documented the process for you guys to enjoy.
We built a BIG screwdriver for the livestream "My BIGGEST PC BUILDING CHALLENGE…" and wanted to see how staff reacted to it!
The amount of notes we wrote for our Round up of PC Speed up tools was so... Avast that we HAD to make a Closer Look with Elijah and Jon from LABs.
We grabbed Tatjana and Olamide to react to their contribution to building the Cutest PC! We then grabbed some staff to react to the PC.
The first video of Dan week is showing off his lil car; the Suzuki Cappuccino! Dan gives a rundown of the car and lets Linus for a test drive!
It's the second video for Dan Week and he answers the questions you guys submitted! Why did he leave his previous job for LMG? What does Dan do daily? More bread content? All that and more are answered here today!
The final video for Dan week is here! As per his request, we film Dan and Sebastian building a custom table for Dan's MCM Cable Management video coming soon! Also a mini rant about his current desk
Apple users beware we said Siri a lot. Right after WWDC, I grabbed Jonathan and Emily to give their opinions on WWDC 2024! What they liked, didn't like, AI, and everything in between!
Back due to popular demand, Tatjana showcases how Creator Warehouse tests the multiple material's they use!
As we mentioned in today's video, David showcases the "too spicy for YouTube" content! He runs though how he modded some of the consoles!
After Linus finished trying all the influencer food for ShortCircuit we wanted the rest of the company to try some and give their opinion about each one and to see how well they align with Linus' ratings!
LMG Whips continues featuring our very own Jake Tivy's 2006 BMW M5!
After the positive reception of Every PC we use on set, explained!, we wanted to showcase every camera we use on set!
I caught up with Dan after he finished setting up a continuous livefeed setup to aid CW and the Production Team with monitoring their work and capturing anything crazy that happens!
As promised on "What we learned A/B Testing Thumbnails on Youtube", Maria and Plouffe dive deeper on thumbnails that stood out and still trying to figure out why certain things performed better!
Adam had far more notes to discuss his hatred for tech marketing. Everything from Nvidia pricing to optical sensors, this has it all.
Here are some extras from Shahrad's AMD Upgrade that didn't make it into the main video.
Alex wanted to fix his TV and so the obvious solution is to completely dismantle it and find where the problem lies.
Scrapyard Wars is BACK with Season 9! Take a look at the pre shoot interview and everyone getting ready with some footage that didn't make the final cut!
Extended CUT get it? haha.... Here is the longer version of Elijah getting a haircut for Scrapyard Wars!
Welcome to our new series, "Writers Showcase Their First Script"! We'll ask some writers to showcase the submitted script they used to apply at LMG. Our first writer, Emily Young, showcases the TQ script she submitted! Let us know who you want to see next!
Sarah and Elijah paint with thermal paste. (Don't eat it)
These are the staff setups that unfortunately didn't make it to the final cut!
To make sure the dbrand skin matched Alex's Snapdragon laptop, on top of wanting to test out the repairability, he decided to swap out the trackpad from another Microsoft Snapdragon Laptop!
Here are some of the clips of Scrapyard Wars Episode 2 that didn't make the final cut!
Here is 12 minutes and 49 seconds of extra footage of David making stressful decisions.
Here are some extra/extended moments from Scrapyard Wars Episode 3!
Since you guys crushed the like goal on Elijah's haircut video, we're following up and getting an eyebrow slit! Colton also got a Floatplane Tattoo, thanks to you guys.
One big selling point for Floatplane is the benefit of not seeing ads, but we’ve had creative sponsor segments by the talented Dennis come out for a while now, and everyone loves them! We didn’t want you guys to feel left out, so we have Dennis and Riley, who helped write some of them, react to Dennis’ favourite ones!
The Scrapyard Wars crew answers your questions on Floatplane and watches episode 1-3 before the final episodes launches on Floatplane tomorrow!
This is the cut content from Scrapyard War Crew sharing their stories over the last 3 days while waiting for the judges to complete reviews!
This is the extended cut of the judging portion of Season 9's Scrapyard War!
Meet the Teams returns, and we feature Colin, who has finally broken his silence (literally) and gets to learn about his career prior to LMG and what he does on the day-to-day!
Here are the extras you missed from Colin's AMD upgrade!
These are the extras from Scrapyard Wars Episode 4!
Welcome to the first episode of "Why is WAN Late?" where I find out what Linus or Luke is doing after 4:30 strikes! How many shoots is Linus doing? How many meetings hold up Luke? This series aims to answer all those questions and more!
After our video about the PS5 Pro video came out, David wanted to get this off his chest; why he's planning on buying a PS5 Pro.
Here are the extras from Elijah's AMD Upgrade!
This is what happened during our Precisions Screwdriver Popup!
These are some of the submissions that didn't make the final cut!
The cut content of Linus introducing his new cats to the household!
If you wondered how we overcame the challenge of recording Linus while he's taking the test, Jordan showcases it in this video + some questions that didn't make the final cut!!
Hi Floaties! We're back with Person Week, and we wanted to highlight the #2 person at LMG: Riley Murdock! Similar to the previous People Week, we have three Floatplane Exclusives revolving around Riley. We’re excited to give y’all some Riley Content! Thanks for being a Floatplane subscriber! Enjoy an early access to the WAN teaser that will be played today!
Welcome to Riley Week! In the first of the three videos, Riley answers your submitted questions! We learn why his Tim Cook impression is REALLY good all the way to how his mom is doing!
This is the second video of Riley Week, in which Riley gets to ask LMG Employees what they're working on while also learning about what goes on at the company!
The final video of Riley Week where Riley discusses the state of Star Wars and how he believes it can be fixed. I hope everyone enjoyed Riley Week! Thanks for your continued support for Floatplane :) - Sammy
Here's the mini Floatplane Exclusive Linus shot while shooting Sebastien's AMD Upgrade!
Welcome back to episode 2 of Why is WAN Late? Where we cover the dates from 8/30 - 9/12. Explore what leads up to WAN and a small peak on how comms look when we're doing virtual calls!
Hi Floaties! Join us next Thursday, October 17th at 10AM PDT as we design the First Floatplane Exclusive Merch LIVE. You can also contribute to the design in chat! This is the clip Linus and Luke will react to today on WAN but here's an early access to our fellow Floaties. -Sammy and Shawn
This is cut content of Linus Reacting to the Writer's $1000 Gaming PC Challenge
While magicians can't reveal their secrets, we can! Alex, Colin, Andrew, Oliver, Shahrad, and Nicole showcase what they do to ensure you guys get an LTT video handed to you day after day! (Note this was filmed in July and some of our processes have already been changed)
As mentioned on WAN, and a recent Floatplane Post, we’re trying out some Floatplane Exclusive Merch! Who else to design the first one than our lovely Sarah Butt! If you’re interested in buying one, get it here! . If not enjoy the vibes of the stream! :)
Sorry chat only has integration with twitch, so chat's gonna be over there :(
Welcome to Episode Two of "Writers Showcase Their First Script!" Adam Sondergard showcases the LTT script he submitted to get a job at Linus Media Group!
Here's a bit of a deeper dive with David on our video "What's better, current or older hardware"
Enjoy this lil shopping vlog with Sarah as we go shopping for decorations for the Halloween stream coming up!
Get a closer look at David's research on newfound wisdom on the actual battle between physical vs Digital Games
Is it a tradition if it’s two years in a row? Like last year, Sarah is craving a pumpkin with a rotation of guests! This time we’re also going to read some scary copy pasta (SCP) to really get into the spooky holiday vibes!
Our Creator Warehouse team is working on a Zuck-inspired shirt, and what better way to understand what goes into a billionaire shirt than to buy it ourselves and punch a hole in it?
Welcome back to Why is WAN Late where we see the birth of the new WAN Table and how Luke never looks his age.
Hi Floaties, I hope y'all are ready for some juicy content! 1) Elijah Week is officially next week! For those who don't know, during "Theme Weeks," we release three Floatplane Exclusive videos about a specific theme and next week, the theme is Elijah. Elijah Week will contain a "Meet the Team", "Writers Showcasing Their First Script", and a fun "Superfan vs. Creator - Who Knows LMG Best" to round it all off. 2) Additionally, we'll be posting two LTT video Extras, meaning that Elijah week will include FIVE Floatplane exclusive videos! To recap, that's three Elijah-centric videos and two regular Floatplane Exclusives. We hope you enjoy!
Welcome to Elijah Week! Given his quick rise to fame, it's only natural that we dive deeper into who he as a person! Learn how NCIX Tech Tips affected him and what he thinks of all the helmet memes!
Writers Showcase Their First Script - Elijah Horner Welcome to Episode 3 of Writers Showcase Their First Script featuring Elijah, who didn't start as a writer! What does a script look like from someone who "mandatory passed" English 12 and wasn't hired initially as a writer? Check it out.
Here are the extras you missed from Andrew's AMD upgrade! Why is Linus' head so big lol
Welcome to the final day of Elijah Week, where we pit him, a long-time superfan of Linus Tech Tips, against the person who made Linus Tech Tips! Who knows LMG history the best?
After the LTT Doug DeMuro shoot, we obviously had to showcase plouffe's new car to Doug and get his impressions on it!
As we stated in our 3D-printed hardline watercooling video, Justin wanted to try daily driving it for 180 days! It accidentally turned into 210 days... But here are the results!
Here are the extras, BTS and interview with Plouffe for today's LTT video!
Hey Floaties! This video was originally meant to be an LTT video but due to "the incident", it was scrapped, but we've made some edits to the egregious sponsor points and put it out for y'all enjoy!
Welcome to Episode One of Tech Upgrades: Where Are They Now? Featuring one of our more iconic upgrades of last year, Ariana! Check out which upgrades she's still using, the issues with some and a little look back at the stairs
Another Meet the Teams return features our very own Tatjana Devic! Learn how she got into the material world, how she contributed to one of the most iconic jackets and her favourite animes!
We're back again with another "Lisa wants this in her wardrobe" episode where we make an RGB Jacket with Faux Fur! See the steps and how each department contributes to creating this masterpiece! Yes Linus will react to the jacket the same day this goes out!
These are some moments at LMG that weren't quite beefy enough to be their own video, but fun enough to show! Jordan is showcasing the first Segway Segue, a mini bus on what shooting out MCM short looked like, and Linus' car getting towed for a 4-second shot in a video.
Let's find out why the WAN Show was late between October 25th and November 15th, 2024! Everything from a stinky cow smell to Linus' car rage, we'll learn what caused the delays. Yes, we've changed the rules already.
The upcoming Streams with Sarah is scheduled for December 19th, 2024, at 10 AM PST! Don’t miss it! The sketch will be shown on the day
Another Meet the Teams return featuring Jordan Block! Please get to know our newest and oldest writer and learn the vast knowledge he holds by being everything from owning his own computer store to being head of IT during the dot com bubble!
With the success of the first Floatplane Exclusive merch, Sarah is back again to make the second Floatplane Exclusive merch! Though the base design is made, we’ll take suggestions from you guys!
Hi Floaties! We must recognize the backbone of LMG, the person we wouldn't be without, Yvonne Ho! Like other themed weeks, we will produce 3 Floatplane Exclusives highlighting the theme! The three videos are: 1) a Q&A Video 2) Decorating a Christmas Tree with Dead Tech 3) Meet the Cats! Thank you for your continuous support for Floatplane. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it :D
Welcome to Yvonne week! In the first of the three videos, Yvonne answers your submitted questions! We learn why she kept her Pharmacy degree, how she met Linus and what her favourite recipe is!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Typically, we hold the big video for the end, but we decided to push it a bit early since it fits the date! Yvonne got a bunch of dead tech from Logistics and wanted to repurpose them to decorate a mini Christmas tree!
Get a Closer Look for the Hidden Gamerspace we made! Mini stories to parts of the project that didn't make the final cut!
Welcome to the FINAL Yvonne Week video, where you meet all of Yvonne's and Linus' cats! Learn how they just adopted two new cats and how they got the other three!
These are the extras from Nick Lights AMD Upgrade!
Get a better understanding of David's Brightest Monitor! See the steps he and Justin took to make it and how it'll be changed in the future!
Have you ever wondered what an early WAN show looks like? We look at who wakes up BEFORE they're required to be on set.
These are some moments at LMG that weren't quite beefy enough to be their own video, but fun enough to show! A small BTS on Linus' shoot with the 5090, Sven and Sammy pranking Colton by pulling his table back slightly everyday, and BTS of the Tablet round up intro!
Get a glimpse of what the secondary show floor of CES 2025 looked like with Luke!
This is the last CES Floatplane Exclusive; Luke previously walked the secondary floor (my bad lmao) so this time, Luke walks the main floor!
Linus was invited to speak about CES on Jimmy Fallon's show! Here's a vlog of how the day went!
It's that time of year again where we ask LMG Staff what their tech of the year was! Everything from Apple Vision Pro to a very specific app, we got it all here.
Linus finally gets his wisdom teeth removed, and it goes just as well as you'd expect...
Hey Floaties, Our first FPX special week of 2025 is Exec Week! We'll be focusing on some of our Execs at LMG, with this week featuring James Strieb, Nick Light and Terren Tong. It's going live next week across 3 videos, so it's your chance to learn more about some of the folks who lead various parts of the business. Also, we're aiming to do these Meet the Team specials once a month moving forward, so let us know who else you'd like to see for 2025. Have a great weekend, floaties!
Welcome to the first video of Exec Week featuring the Head of Writing, James Strieb! Learn what the "Head of Writing" entails, how far David and him go back, and the stress of being in the eyes of the public. Correction: James said the new Hariri book is called "Network" but it's actually called "Nexus". *Spoilers for this video*, Update: James got his blue belt since filming this :)
Welcome back to Exec Week featuring the COO of Creator Warehouse, Nick Light! Learn what a COO entails, his thoughts on the secret shopper video, and if CW peaked with the LTT Backpack.
Welcome to the final video of Exec Week! Get to know the Boss of all the other Execs, Terren Tong! Learn what it takes to be a CEO, how he's integrated into the culture of LMG, and what drew him to work for/with/control Linus!
See some of the Deleted Scenes from the Jimmy Fallon Vlog, and the outtakes from the Airestech WiFi Amulet intro!
How does Linus and Luke react when Dan the Man is late? Find out in this weeks why is WAN late.
Here are the extra setups that didn't make the final cut!
Hi Floatplane! Our next themed week was a no-brainer as we showcase one of the most veteran writers at LTT, Alex Clark! Our first video will be out fixing his speakers, followed by his Q&A. And to wrap it up, we will install the intercooler on his car!! Thank you for subscribing to Floatplane!
See how Tatjana and Arty set up the Screensavors Photoshoot set and how we took the photos!
Welcome to Alex Week! The first video, of course, is Alex fixing speakers! Watch as we fix his Mackie CR4-X speakers and learn a bit about soldering!
Alex week continues by answering your hottest questions (he's not fixing the speaker this time)
Alex's video request was, of course, a car video, more specifically, installing an intercooler onto his car! Unfortunately, we won't see how well it works right away, but we'll shoot a video regarding it in the future. Enjoy the chaos it was to install this cooler! Hope you guys enjoyed Alex Week and hope to see you for the next one!
As is tradition, LMG Employees must be pranked whenever they leave their desk free. Colton went on vacation, and as a result, we promoted him to receptionist.
As per our 2025 Company Bonus/Swag/Cool thing, Linus and Yvonne took LMG/FPM/CW all to Disneyland for the day! Get a small peek into what I did during this vacation!
Various people at LMG have... unique first encounters with Linus. So we got volunteers to share their silly how they first met the myth Linus Sebastian.
The Finale of Why is WAN Late Season One is here! (Mainly just to reset the points it was getting sad) Also nothing of importance happened in the first two weeks...
The exclusive story that was CUT OFF in the Chiller resurrection video. It's HERE for your viewing pleasure.
So I was in Linus' office one time and we decided we needed a screenshot from Oregon Trail proclaiming that one of our team members had fallen ill with a settler-era disease. We ended up playing through the game, screen-capping the whole thing, and in the end we thought it was enjoyable enough to share with you folks! So here's a completely unscripted, impromptu Let's Play of Oregon Trail featuring Linus and James.