The four main characters grew up in different environments. They meet "competitive bartending" and with their own thoughts and feelings, they try to win the Flare competition. They aim to win the Flair competition with their own feelings...
In order to learn more about his father, who left home when he was a child, Elito Kurosawa decides to start working at his father's favorite bar. Touya Natsume,who was desperate because everything he did was not going well.Seiichiro, who was forced to abandon the competition one year ago before the Flare finals, just one step away from winning. And Arata, last year's Flare champion and unbeatable. The fates of these four men intersect through "Flare"-the story of overcoming their "past" and aiming to win the Flare Japan Cup with their friends. What is the reason why they have to "win"?
異なる環境で育った4人の主人公。 彼らは「競争的なバーテンダー」に出会い、自分の考えと気持ちで、フレアの競争に勝とうとします。 それぞれの想いでフレア大会優勝を目指す…。
幼い頃に家を出た父のことをもっと知るため、黒澤エリトは父の行きつけのバーで働くことを決意する。 何をやってもうまくいかずに必死だった夏目冬也。 フレア決勝を前に1年前に大会を棄権せざるを得なくなった誠一郎は、優勝まであと一歩。 そして昨年のフレア王者で無敵のあらた。 4人の運命が交錯する「フレア」―彼らの「過去」を乗り越え、仲間と共にフレアジャパンカップ優勝を目指す物語。 彼らが「勝たなければならない」理由とは?
- Furea Batendazu
- フレアバーテンダーズ