Liu Fei Yan’s sister, Fei He, attacks Kenshiro as she believes he killed Liu Fei Yan, but he does not fight back. She explains that 8 years ago, as an orphaned petty thief, she encountered Liu Fei Yan and eventually traveled with him for 4 years as his apprentice. When she reached Shanghai, she was told by Tian Xue-Fang that Kenshiro had killed her adopted "brother". Meanwhile, a group of Van Der Kolk's superhuman ultimate soldiers attack the orphanage to abduct Erika, but are delayed by Yasaka until Kenshiro and a Yu Ling arrive. Together they defeat the ultimate soldiers and Kenshiro releases them from their internal torment to grant them a peaceful death. Yu Ling and Liu Fei He escape with Erika and the other children just as Van Der Kolk arrives and prepares to attack Kenshiro.
Repérée par ceux qui la traquent, Erika n'a d’autre choix que la fuite pendant que Kenshirô et Yasaka sont aux prises avec ses monstrueux poursuivants. Mais le petit groupe exilé en Indonésie intéresse décidément bien des gens : Kenshirô est pris pour cible par quelqu’un qui réclame vengeance pour Fei-Yan...
A figura oculta por um manto é Liu Fei-He, a usuária do Punho Sagrado da Cruz Polar - uma mulher que amava Liu Fei-Yan como a um irmão. Ao saber da morte de Fei-Yan, ela faz da vingança seu motivo de vida.
망토를 두른 채 켄시로에게 칼을 겨눈 사람은 극십자성권의 류비학이었다. 비연의 의형제임을 밝힌 비학은 비연을 죽였다는 켄시로에게 복수를 할 생각이었다. 한편, 고아원에서 아이들과 함께 식사를 하던 야사카와 에리카의 앞에 수상한 사람들이 쳐들어왔는데.