The Woman Who Joined The Taliban is the personal and tragic story of a woman’s quest for truth amidst the global war on terrorism.
As the marijuana industry grows more mainstream in the U.S., many people wonder if it will follow the same path in Canada.
New technologies that could extend human life are challenging the views people have about aging.
IF THE POET is the moving, irreverent and inspiring story of Ian French, aka "IF", beginning with his "terrifying" slam debut at age of 50 and culminating in his obsessed quest to win the World Cup of Slam Poetry in Paris, France.
In the summer of 1990, all eyes were on the small town of Oka for a standoff between the Mohawk people of Kanehsatake, Quebec police, and eventually the Canadian army. The town of Oka’s plans to expand a golf course onto un-ceded Mohawk land triggered the violent clash.
The battle over the rights and freedoms of transgender individuals is the first great civil rights struggle of the 21st century. In the last five years, mainstream culture has woken up to the vivid presence of transgender people in their midst. From a generation of gender variant children and pop culture celebrities, to transitioning superstar athletes and soldiers, trans people have never been more visible.
The 28-year-old Canadian has been at the centre of that controversy since he was 15. In October 2010, Khadr pleaded guilty to five war crimes, including “murder in violation of war," in return for a plea deal that gave him an 8-year sentence and a chance to return to Canada. He later recanted his confession and his Guantanamo conviction is being appealed in the U.S.
Enter the thrilling, dangerous, sometimes wacky world of young cowboys and cowgirls — where kids don’t just grow up, they “Cowboy Up”.
We see them streaming into our homes on YouTube almost every week: lethal encounters between police and the mentally ill. This film deconstructs those deadly scenarios with a view to find the sweet spot – where police can be trained to hold their fire.
The culture of binge drinking and young women.
On April 3, 2002, the Toronto Police were called in to investigate a strange smell coming from the apartment of computer salesman Michael De Bourcier. They knocked on his door and called his phone, but received no response. They were issued a warrant to investigate and gained entry to the apartment. There they discovered Michael's body - dead from what appeared to be a heart attack. At 35 years old, Michael was not the typical profile of a heart attack victim. The police took note - more investigation might be needed.
Research suggests that understanding pedophiles can lower instances of the sexual abuse of children.
Battling domestic violence and seeking justice for it.
Christianne Boudreau is labeled the ``mother of a terrorist'' after her son is killed fighting with ISIS.
Road to Mercy follows doctors and their patients as they struggle to identify the limits of the newly granted right to kill to die. In Belgium, we meet bold physicians who are testing those limits – going beyond terminal illness to provide an assisted death for suffering psychiatric patients, a scenario that is legal both in Belgium and under Canada’s recent Supreme Court Carter ruling.
On October 17, 2014, Atsumi Yoshikubo arrived in Yellowknife, Canada, from Japan and checked into the Explorer Hotel. Over the next few days, she visited a gift shop and a tourist information centre where she made inquiries about viewing the aurora borealis – the main attraction for Japanese tourists visiting the Northwest Territories. Five days after she arrived, Atsumi went walking along the main road heading out of the city and was never seen again.