Home / Series / First Wave / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 17

Second Wave

Quatrain 34, Century 2. "A vision of destruction appears near the throne / And the struggle to reign supreme begins / An approaching storm unchecked / To test the mettle of all men." The Paranoid Times Web site is set up to warn people of imminent danger we face from the alien race that has infiltrated this planet. People are starting to take notice. One e-mail came from a Sheldon Lamott, who said he had pictures of a UFO floating above Columbia, Maryland, just 20 miles outside Washington, DC. I was skeptical the photos were legit & in my experience, spaceships weren't the Gua's style. But this seemed to relate to a quatrain Eddie found, so I checked it out. Met Sheldon and his wife Pauline at their suburban home. I figured out what the tension was between Sheldon and his wife when Sheldon showed me his UFO pix in the basement darkroom. There were other photos & not of UFOs, but of Pauline's tryst with their neighbour, Boyd Hackett.

Deutsch English español
  • Originally Aired December 30, 1998
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Production Code 01.17
  • Network SYFY
  • Created March 7, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 7, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
David Wilcox Writer
Chris Brancato Writer
Gerard Plunkett Guest Star
Pamela Martin Guest Star
Peter Bryant Guest Star
Marc Baur Guest Star
Brenda Crichlow Guest Star
Kathryn Anderson Guest Star
Hiro Kanagawa Guest Star
Garry Chalk Guest Star
Gilbert M. Shilton Director