Chinami works at a fabric shop, dreaming of one day working in the fashion industry. By accident, she lands a job at the editor's department for a fashion magazine... a glitter world that she has never seen before. Chinami believes her new job will open doors to new opportunities, but instead, she has entered into a world of daily catfights between the women working there. One where there is a clear distinction between those who have to work all sorts of odd jobs within the department, and those that have made it to the top, where they have the freedom to determine how the advertisements are placed in the magazine. From the super-bitchy chief editor, Osawa Rumi, to her peers Erena and Miina, and the permanent staff editor Kawashima Remie and the contract staff Kimura Shirayuki, it is a daily battle for Chinami to do her job efficiently.
-- D Addict
第2期では舞台を雑誌社からファッションブランド「TATSUKO YANO」へと移し、『ファースト・クラス』編集部員をも交えた業界の舞台裏とマウンティングを描く。
故事講述吉成千奈美(澤尻英龍華)在栃木宇都宮市出身,夢想是在時裝界工作,為此在服飾專門學校畢業,但到與時裝有關的生產商及出版社求職時全軍覆沒,只好在下町的服裝材料店賣紐扣過著老套乏味的人生。但有天她時來運到,有機會在一直憧憬的頂級時裝雜誌「FIRST CLASS」當上見習編輯,不料那只是開啟了修羅之門。
Chinami travaille dans un magasin de tissus et rêve de travailler un jour dans l'industrie de la mode. Par hasard, elle commence à travailler dans la section édition d'un magazine de mode. Alors qu'elle pense que son nouvel emploi peut lui ouvrir de nouvelles portes, il s'avère que cet environnement professionnel est le plus hostile qui soit.