
Set in a fantastical world where talking vehicles live, work and play with the humans who drive them, this animated comedy-adventure series follows a boy and his firetruck as they team up with their first responder friends to help others in their community with problems, both big and small. Whether rescuing a young car that’s stuck in a tree, tracking down lost Dalmatian puppies or helping their neighbors stock up on emergency supplies during a blackout, the Firebuds highlight the importance of teamwork and helping your fellow citizens.

English español Português - Portugal Deutsch français suomi עברית
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 September 2022 July 2023 50
Season 2 November 2023 July 2024 38
Unassigned Episodes 15
Usable as "Alternate Order" in API-connected systems.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 September 2022 December 2022 15
Unassigned Episodes 88

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