Yehya, devastated by his father's death, finds solace in Fareeda's support and confesses his efforts to earn her respect. Despite losing to Machichev in the final match, Yehya's declining health brings Alia and Fareeda to care for him, while Tambi reunites with his son and Shabaka visits Yehya regularly, sharing stories to combat his memory loss.
القتال المنتظر بين يحيى والمقاتل الروسي الشرس أوليانوف.. توقعات الجميع في أن يخسر يحيى منذ الجولة الأولى.. لكن يحيى لم يعد يعنيه المكسب أو الخسارة.. أصبح يعنيه أن يكمل الطريق إلى نهايته