Meet McClane! He's a handsome dolphin who wants to conquer humankind. Talk about an HR nightmare.
McClane and his pal Archer embarrass the local talent at an art gallery.
McClane catches the eye of a beautiful woman at a bar. Unfortunately, her boyfriend isn't quite as happy to meet him.
Just another day in the life of Murphy the narwhal. He's got a broken horn on his head and a chip on his shoulder.
The Manager catches McClane in a compromising position. Has he finally found a way to fire our dolphin hero?!
Mirna takes McClane to a haunting place from his past, where an old nemesis awaits him...
Murphy left McClane at the bottom of the sea, but all is not lost! Help is on the way, in the form of a very, very friendly spirit guardian.
In a very special episode, Mirna sings the blues. Seems like her choices are coming back to haunt her...
Beluga and McClane return to the office to get his job back. Turns out there's a few other McClanes who've beat him to it.
When campaign staffers question his standing in the polls, Murphy expands on his platform. Plus, The Manager returns!
McClane and a mysterious girl look around the office for Murphy's broken horn.
McClane thinks back to the day he first resolved to conquer humankind.
Will McClane's twinkle and charm be able to calm down a fuming, beefy blue whale?
McClane's spirit guardian teaches him a valuable life lesson.
The election results are in! Will Murphy become the supreme leader of the world, or has humanity finally come to its senses?!
It's Clash of the Spirit Guardians as the fight between McClane and Murphy comes to a head, and someone close to McClane betrays him yet again!
Mirna and Beluga have to fix McClane's broken heart if they have any chance of stopping Murphy. Will he come to his senses in time?