After WWII many military experts predicted that the age of ground troops and tanks was past - soon, all war would be fought with long-range missiles. This news apparently never reached North Korea. In June 1950, North Korean forces backed by China launched a conventional ground invasion of NATO-supported South Korea.
Facing overwhelming firepower, the Vietnamese intermingled their forces with the American's to blur the lines of battle. They were so successful that superior U.S. technology was made impotent.
The bloody, brutal, ultimately doomed Afghan War played a large part in the anger and disillusionment that led to the collapse of the USSR. The key difference between Vietnam and Afghanistan was the total lack of media coverage at home.
The Gulf War was the greatest conflict of armoured forces since WWII. Despite the major role that air power played in defeating Iraq's army, it was still necessary to physically occupy space and take prisoners to regain Kuwati terrain.
On February 26, 1991, a small U.S. armoured division sped through Iraq into what they believed was unprotected territory. At 73 Easting, they ran straight into a brigade-sized force of Iraq's Republican Guard. The ensuing six-hour battle was the fiercest engagement of the Gulf War.