After the incident at the church, Saber and Shirou return home only to find Rin on the floor and badly injured. It turns out that Kirei Kotomine attacked her, while Shirou and Saber were occupied and that's not all because he has also taken Ilya and plans to make her the sacrifice for the Holy Grail. Aided with Rin's final advice, they both head to Ryudouji where Kirei is going to summon the Holy Grail. Saber will battle again with Gilgamesh and Shirou will have to leave her and deal with Kirei, who obviously has some sort of personal vendetta against Shirou.The final fight has just begun.
En revenant à la maison, Saber et Shirou découvrent Rin grièvement blessée suite à la visite de Kotomine. Celui-ci a enlevé Ilya pour en faire le réceptacle du Saint Graal et s'est replié au temple Ryuudouji. Avant de sombrer dans le coma, elle leur donne quelques conseils. Le Maître et le Servant se rende sur la colline, prêt pour l'ultime affrontement qui, une fois terminé, les séparera à tout jamais...
Después del incidente en la iglesia, Saber y Shirou regresan a casa solo para encontrar a Rin en el piso y gravemente herido. Resulta que Kirei Kotomine la atacó, mientras que Shirou y Saber estaban ocupados y eso no es todo porque él también se ha llevado a Ilya y planea hacerla el sacrificio por el Santo Grial.
집으로 돌아온 시로와 세이버를 기다리고 있던 것은 코토미네의 공격으로 피투성이가 된 린이었다. 시로와 세이버는 성배 전쟁을 끝내기 위해 코토미네와 길가메쉬가 있는 류도사로 향한다.