博麗神社 VS. 守矢神社 with 妖怪の山!!
The episode begins with Sanae showing up to the Hakurei shrine and challenging Reimu while insulting her Shrine. She then attacks Reimu and the Shrine and teleports away. Reimu then gets read for war and is incredibly angry. She instantly defeats the Aki sisters and flies past Hina. The Scene cuts to Ayas house and Aya wonders what the alarm is about. Momiji explains the situation. Marisa is revealed to be in Ayas house hanging out because she wanted to see stuff but Aya explains shes not actually supposed to be here and she cant leave the house lest they both get in trouble. Aya then flies off. In an aside Yukari is watching the events through a gap. Aya then stops Reimu to challenge her to a fight and the episode ends.