In "The Big Dipper" a young girl tries to find a normal life with her pick-pocketing father, when a police sergeant shows up in search of her father. In "The Pirate" an eccentric Ted Cavanaugh hopes to win back the love of his ex-wife by playing out a fantasy.
Name | Type | Role | |
Worley Thorne | Writer | ||
Arthur Rowe | Writer | ||
Cameron Mitchell | Guest Star | Sgt. Broylan | |
Danny Wells | Guest Star | Brutus | |
Vivian Blaine | Guest Star | Mrs. Deverse | |
Dan Rowan | Guest Star | Petey Raymond | |
H.B. Haggerty | Guest Star | Benton | |
Sonny Bono | Guest Star | Ted Cavanaugh | |
James Luisi | Guest Star | Arbogast | |
Clint Ritchie | Guest Star | Crewman | |
Rory Calhoun | Guest Star | Mr. Watson | |
Jill Whelan | Guest Star | Harmony | |
Fred Slyter | Guest Star | Minister | |
Diana Canova | Guest Star | Mary Cavanaugh | |
Richard Roat | Guest Star | Donald Gidding | |
Earl Bellamy | Director |