Monta catches all the passes of Hiruma. The Ojo Knights are in a tight spot. Sakuraba asks if he can play, but he is denied because he is supposed to be the key in the second half. Hiruma decides to use the Shotgun Formation of the Gunmen against Ojo. After a play with Monta against a tall Ojo player (where Monta succeeds), Sakuraba with the help of Shin finally gets his coach's permission to join the defense. He starts to intercept and block Monta's catches.
Monta atrapa todos los pases de Hiruma. Los Caballeros Ojo se encuentran en una situación difícil. Sakuraba le pregunta si puede jugar, pero él se negó porque se supone que es la clave en la segunda mitad. Hiruma decide utilizar la Formación Escopeta de los Hombres armados contra Ojo.