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Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Under Poisoned Skies

    • October 1, 2022
    • BBC News

    BBC News Arabic uncovers the deadly impact of the oil giants' toxic air pollution on children and the planet.

  • S2022E02 Occupied

    • October 22, 2022
    • BBC News

    Dmytro Bahnenko, a journalist in Kherson, southern Ukraine, spent three months secretly recording his city's resistance to the Russian occupation.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 Russia's Torture Prisons

    • January 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    Smuggled videos out of a Russian prison reveal some of the worst torture ever seen.

  • S2023E02 Racism for Sale

    • January 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    BBC Africa Eye investigates how a Chinese video-making industry is exploiting African children to produce racist videos.

  • S2023E03 Nemtsov's Shadow

    • January 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    New evidence uncovered in Russia’s most high-profile political assassination.

  • S2023E04 Finding My Torturer

    • January 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    How a group of young women exposed the identity of their torturer - a police officer.

  • S2023E05 China's Silenced Feminist

    • January 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    In September 2021 Sophia Huang Xueqin and a fellow activist disappeared.

  • S2023E06 Sex for Work: The True Cost of Our Tea

    • February 20, 2023
    • BBC News

    BBC investigation reveals the secrets behind some of the world's biggest tea companies.

  • S2023E07 Inside Russia: Traitors and Heroes

    • February 20, 2023
    • BBC News

    In Russia, it’s been dangerous for ordinary people to speak up against Vladimir Putin’s regime for years, but new censorship laws introduced since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 have made it tougher than ever. Full documentary was aired as part of the "Storyville" strand.

  • S2023E08 The Pig Butchering Romance Scam

    • March 7, 2023
    • BBC News

    Investigation into a highly sophisticated scam involving criminal gangs, modern-day slavery and victims around the world who have lost millions of dollars.

  • S2023E09 The Billion Dollar Scam

    • April 15, 2023
    • BBC News

    Following a year-long investigation, investigative reporter Simona Weinglass delves into the murky world of online investment scams in an attempt to track down the men at the centre of a billion-dollar crime syndicate.

  • S2023E10 Uganda's Stolen Innocence

    • April 29, 2023
    • BBC News

    Africa Eye investigates a rise in child sexual abuse and incest in northern Uganda.

  • S2023E11 For the Love of Fatmata

    • May 1, 2023
    • BBC News

    Africa Eye investigates cases of FGM in Sierra Leone.

  • S2023E12 Kito: Blackmailing LGBT Nigeria

    • May 27, 2023
    • BBC News

    Africa Eye investigates how members of the LGBT community in Nigeria are targeted by criminal gangs who pose as potential dates on popular apps.

  • S2023E13 Betrayed: Elderly Care Exposed

    • June 7, 2023
    • BBC News

    With life expectancy increasing, many African families are turning to care homes for help. Are the elderly getting the care they need?

  • S2023E14 Catching a Pervert: Sexual Assault for Sale

    • June 8, 2023
    • BBC News

    BBC Eye investigates websites selling thousands of videos of men sexually assaulting women on trains, buses and other crowded public places across East Asia.

  • S2023E15 The Monkey Haters

    • June 20, 2023
    • BBC News

    The story of a disturbing online community, the internet sleuths that hunted down the perpetrators and the race to save baby monkey Mini.

  • S2023E16 Syria: Addicted to Captagon

    • June 26, 2023
    • BBC News

    How Syria's military elite and its fragile wartime economy got hooked on amphetamines.

  • S2023E17 Sickle Cell: The Enemy Within

    • July 1, 2023
    • BBC News

    Lea has become a beacon of hope for sickle cell sufferers across Africa, battling the stigmas surrounding the disease and the authorities who fail to provide adequate care.

  • S2023E18 The Night They Came for Our Children

    • July 10, 2023
    • BBC News

    Africa Eye investigates a leading anti-slavery charity and their West African operation.

  • S2023E19 Blood Brothers: The Pro-Russian Serbians

    • July 22, 2023
    • BBC News

    With unprecedented access, BBC Eye explores the world of pro-Russian ultra-nationalists in Serbia, which has long been torn between East and West.

  • S2023E20 Sex for Healing

    • August 8, 2023
    • BBC News

    A year long undercover investigation by BBC News Arabic has uncovered allegations of widespread sexual abuse and coercion by spiritual healers.

  • S2023E21 Fear and Loathing in South Africa

    • September 23, 2023
    • BBC News

    BBC Africa Eye investigates the rise of xenophobia in South Africa and the violent targeting of migrants. Reported by Ayanda Charlie.

  • S2023E22 The Trap: India’s Deadliest Scam

    • October 14, 2023
    • BBC News

    Your phone is private. Or is it? A BBC investigation exposes the blackmail scam causing misery in India.

  • S2023E23 Predators on the Pitch

    • October 14, 2023
    • BBC News

    Africa Eye's Khadidiatou Cissé, travels to Gabon to investigate one of the biggest sexual abuse scandals in the history of football.

  • S2023E24 Lady of the Hills: The Thai Wife Killing

    • October 28, 2023
    • BBC News

    Nearly twenty years ago the half-naked body of a Thai woman was found by walkers in a remote part of the Yorkshire Dales in England. The autopsy proved inconclusive.

  • S2023E25 Taught to Fear

    • October 30, 2023
    • BBC News

    Corporal punishment in Kenyan schools has been banned for over twenty years. Yet teachers are beating their students on a daily basis and the consequences can be fatal. BBC Africa Eye’s Tom Odula goes on a journey to investigate the extent of the problem and what can be done to address it.

  • S2023E26 What Happened to the Baby Stealers?

    • November 4, 2023
    • BBC News

    BBC Africa Eye revisits Nairobi to find out what impact the broadcast of the 2020 investigation 'The Baby Stealers' had in Kenya's fight against child trafficking.

  • S2023E27 Gaza Diaries

    • November 9, 2023
    • BBC News

    Five people from Gaza document their struggle to survive the war, using their phones to record stories of loss and resilience in a worsening humanitarian crisis.

  • S2023E28 Ukraine's Draft Dodgers

    • November 25, 2023
    • BBC News

    Thousands of Ukrainian men have joined the call to fight for their country since Russia's invasion. But what of those who decided military service was not for them?

  • S2023E29 Breaking the Silence: Abortion Rights in Kenya

    • November 27, 2023
    • BBC News

    An estimated seven women die every day from unsafe abortions in Kenya. BBC Africa Eye investigates the battle for abortion rights in a country where unregulated terminations are a leading cause of maternal deaths, claiming the lives of over 2000 women each year.

  • S2023E30 Breathless

    • December 9, 2023
    • BBC News

    How the hidden toxic air pollution of the oil giants is spreading hundreds of kilometres, putting the health of millions of people at risk in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua (Part 1)

    • January 8, 2024
    • BBC News

    A VHS tape of a preacher performing ‘miracles’ changes two teenagers’ lives forever.

  • S2024E02 Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua (Part 2)

    • January 8, 2024
    • BBC News

    Trapped in TB Joshua’s church in Lagos, his disciples are drawn deeper into his abuse.

  • S2024E03 Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua (Part 3)

    • January 8, 2024
    • BBC News

    Joshua’s church guest house collapses, killing 116 people. Could this disaster expose him?

  • S2024E04 They Call Us Meat

    • January 13, 2024
    • BBC News

    The story of an elite Russian Marine Brigade during the battle for Vuhledar in Ukraine.

  • S2024E05 American Mercenaries: Killing in Yemen

    • January 23, 2024
    • BBC News

    BBC Arabic's Nawal Al-Maghafi reveals how the UAE hired mercenaries to conduct targeted assassinations of its political enemies in Yemen, with American mercenaries starting the killings in 2015.

  • S2024E06 Gaza 101: Emergency Rescue

    • February 13, 2024
    • BBC News

    This film from BBC News Arabic follows three Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics in northern Gaza across the first month of the war, as they save lives in the area hardest hit by Israeli airstrikes.

  • S2024E07 Mayor on the Front Line

    • March 4, 2024
    • BBC News

    Mayor of Freetown finds herself on the front line of a democratic crisis.

  • S2024E08 Trapped in Oman

    • March 18, 2024
    • BBC News

    BBC Africa Eye investigates the trafficking of Malawian women into a life of servitude as domestic workers in Oman, and follows an extraordinary network of women who, working across three continents, are fighting to bring them home against often impossible odds.

  • S2024E09 Reporting Gaza: My War

    • April 26, 2024
    • BBC News

    Gaza reporter Adnan El-Bursh’s video diary sheds light on the immense challenges faced by Palestinian journalists in Gaza as they report on their war-torn homeland.

  • S2024E10 Behind Closed Doors

    • April 29, 2024
    • BBC News

    Five years after the declaration of a national state of emergency over rape and sexual violence, Sierra Leone is still grappling with shocking levels of gender-based violence.

  • S2024E11 Africa: The Battle for the Ballot Box

    • April 30, 2024
    • BBC News

    Amid a surge of military takeovers, worsening security and greater repression, nearly a third of Africa's nations are heading to the polls. Child of the rainbow nation - Nomsa Maseko - asks where democracy is now headed across the world's fastest growing continent.

  • S2024E12 Nika's Last Breath

    • April 30, 2024
    • BBC News

    After protesting in Tehran Nika Shakarami never went home. Iran claimed she killed herself. But a purported confidential report details a killing and a cover up by security forces.

  • S2024E13 Crime & Punishment in South Africa

    • May 13, 2024
    • BBC News

    South Africa’s murder rate is now at a twenty year high – one of the highest in the world. There were more than twenty-seven thousand murders last year. With trust in the police falling, Ayanda Charlie meets the frontline communities who are fighting back.

  • S2024E14 Burning Sun: Exposing the Secret K-pop Chat Groups

    • May 19, 2024
    • BBC News

    In South Korea K-pop stars have fame, fortune and millions of female fans. But some led a double life, inhabiting a hidden world where videos of women being drugged, raped and humiliated were shared.

  • S2024E15 Guns in the Shadows

    • May 27, 2024
    • BBC News

    As Kenya’s cost of living rises, so too does violent crime. Reporter Elijah Kanyi investigates the devastating human impact of illegal firearms in Kenya’s slums.

  • S2024E16 Perfume's Dark Secret

    • May 28, 2024
    • BBC News

    Top perfume brands may have "worst form of child labour" in their jasmine supply chains, considered one of the most valuable ingredients in some of the world's most iconic perfumes, a BBC Eye investigation reveals.

  • S2024E17 Inside Sudan's Forgotten War

    • June 10, 2024
    • BBC News

    BBC reports from Sudan’s forgotten conflict and investigate allegations of war crimes.

  • S2024E18 Eat Bitter

    • June 24, 2024
    • BBC News

    In the Central African Republic, one of Africa’s poorest countries, local sand diver Thomas Boa and Chinese construction manager Jianmin Luan struggle to improve their fortunes. They “eat bitter” today in the hope of a better tomorrow, but with no guarantees of what their futures may hold.