
A future without hunger or need is torn to pieces when the genetically engineered servant race known as the Neo-Sapiens restarts a 50-year-old war of independence as a war of conquest, seizing control of the Earth and the Venus colony. Now the humans' only hope of freedom lies with the remains of the Exofleet, and their top unit: Able Squad.

English русский язык العربية
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 1
Season 1 September 1993 December 1993 13
Season 2 September 1994 November 1994 39
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Specials 0
Unassigned Episodes 53
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 September 1993 December 1993 13
Unassigned Episodes 40

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All TV Series Seen in Full Throughout Life

1 203 WatchTillTandava

A comprehensive list of all TV series seen and experienced throughout my life from early childhood to the present day. Usually full completion including all seasons, but at least a mandatory minimum of one full season. Will include live action and Western animation/cartoons, but exclude anime, which is on a separate list.

DeathStalker's TV List

1 46 DeathStalker

TV List I am missing episodes for...

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