All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Slime Lord

    • January 14, 2015
    • YouTube

    Executioner has a pretty normal dungeon job: gouging out eyes, breaking limbs, and networking with cool and interesting people (who he then decapitates). A visit to 'The Slime Lord' could change all ofthat when Executioner finds himself teaming up with a new and unexpected 'friend'.

  • S01E02 The Brain Hook

    • May 14, 2015
    • YouTube

    Executioner and Friend search all over the dungeon looking for Executioner's lost brain hook. Did a necromancer borrow it? Did Executioner bring it to the bar? Is someone going to get their brain yanked out or what?

  • S01E03 Bludgeon, The Beater

    • May 31, 2015
    • YouTube

    Executioner and Friend are looking for the notorious criminal Bludgeon, the Beater so they can collect the reward money and get paid to torture him too! Pretty sweet deal, right? Too bad Friend is too much of a doofus to stick up for himself! Maybe this adventure could be a learning experience for him…Like, Subscribe, Share, and get bent, pepperoni nips!

  • S01E04 The Fetch Quest

    • June 18, 2015
    • YouTube

    Executioner and Friend are sent on a quest by Bone-Shard, high-necromancer supreme and dirty old creep to find an... *ahem*... important artifact. Too bad Executioner underestimates what would happen when he screws around with it. Nah, he doesn't get hairy palms or go blind on anything. His dick sure does shrink though!

  • S01E05 Executi-Con

    • July 2, 2015
    • YouTube

    Executioner leaves Friend in charge of the torture chamber while he takes a trip to the annual executioner’s convention. The only problem is that Friend is too much of a wimp to murder anybody! As more and more victims show up to be tortured, can Friend pull it together and pull someone’s arm off?