His family knew him to be strange. Odd things happened wherever he went. Women found a lock of their hair snipped from them, without warning, by a man sitting nearby. He would then melt into crowd. Danilo Restivo, an ugly man, persuaded a church-regular to meet him after Mass one Sunday in the Italian town of Potenza. Elisa Claps disappeared soon after. Her body was to lie for 14 years in the church belfry as Italy probed the mystery of what happened. Restivo, with his family helping him launder the clothes he had worn the day he met Elisa, left for England and Bournemoth suddenly heard of women complaining of a man who had snipped a lock of their hair. Two children found the horrifically mutilated body of their mother, Heather Barnett. Only then did the truth about the fetishist Restivo begin to unravel.