Order the Pumat Sol Voice Pack from Overwolf at: https://critrole.com/killervoices On this slapstick installment of #EverythingIsContent, Taliesin Jaffe & Matthew Mercer play a little Fortnite on PC while having fun with the Pumat Sol Voice Pack for Killer Voices from Overwolf! Celebrate #PumatWeek! - Pick up your Invulnerable Vagrant tee here: http://bit.ly/PumatTee - Check out purchase info and updates for the Pumat Sol Killer Voices PC gaming pack by Overwolf: http://critrole.com/killervoices - More info about Pumat Week here: https://critrole.com/pumat-week-is-here Twitch subscribers gain instant access to VODs of our new shows like Between the Sheets and All Work No Play. But don't worry: Twitch broadcasts will be uploaded to YouTube about 36 hours after airing live, with audio-only podcast versions of select shows on iTunes, Google Play & Spotify following a week after the initial air date. Twitch subscribers also gain access to our official custom emote set and...