2:10 Genesis Fights Back BBC One logo BBC One Sun 22nd Nov 1981, 22:10 on BBC One London In the first chapter of Genesis the creation of the world takes place in six days. The earth is made first, then plants. The sun and moon are fixed in the sky and animals appear on earth. Last of all, on the sixth day God creates man. Since Darwin wrote the Origin of Species over 100 years ago most scientists have dismissed the Biblical view of creation as a religious myth with no basis in fact. But today an increasing number of people, often highly educated and scientifically trained, are dismissing Darwin and returning to Genesis. They describe themselves as ' Creationists They believe that the Bible is not only better religion, but better science. If they are right it will mean a radical change in our view of ourselves: a return to Bible-based morality and a new science that takes religion as its starting point. Everyman examines the issues.