ROMEO CLEANERS - A return to look at the Romeo Cleaners. SACHER MASOCH - On the 100th anniersary of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's death (author of 'Venus in Furs' and inspiration for S&M), we visit the Austrian aristocrat 's birthplace in Vienna with an S&M group and interview his only living relative - Marianne Faithful. CANNABIS CUP - The Amsterdam cannabis competition, bought in. HEINO - We profile Germany's number one folk singer and cultural icon. MARLENE - French beauty queen and glamour model who recently announced she was standing as a presidential candidate for the newly formed 'Freedom & Love Party' (and performance). JAN BUCQUOY - Belgian cultural provocateur standing for the Belgian elections as leader of the 'Banana Party' and whose other claims to fame are his Underpants & Women's Museum in Brussells. He also directed 'The Sexual Life of The Belgians' and published rude versions of 'Tintin' & 'The Smurfs'.