Tha Eorpa a' tilleadh le sreath ur a' coimhead air na sgeulachdan as cudromaiche bho air feadh na Roinn Eorpa. Eorpa is back with a new series examining the most important stories from across Europe.
In this week's Eòrpa the team report from Uist and Portugal.
The Eòrpa team report from Southern Ireland and Spain.
The Eòrpa team reports from Uist and Norway.
The Eòrpa team reports from Romania and Ireland.
What is Iceland doing that we are not? Old Icelandic tales historically have been told in the style of sagas. That’s with a beginning – where the history of the tale is told, a middle – where a fight, or struggle, occurs and the end where the situation is resolved. Darren Laing has been to Iceland to investigate the country’s economic situation – the history, struggle and the resolution. The banks fell, the old government fell and the country obtained an emergency loan from the IMF. Now though, there is growth in the economy (2.7% in 2011), and the number of people out of work has fallen. What is Iceland doing that we are not?
Buildings in Rome requiring restoration. Rome in Italy – one of the oldest cities in the world with tourists coming from every corner of the globe to see the most famous buildings in Europe. Although many of them were built in age of the Roman Empire, they are still standing, but many of them are in great need of restoration and preservation work. Who should be paying for such work? In times where budgets are very small, the trusts must use different ways to acquire the money.
Pàirc Estate Buyout. The Pàirc Estate in Lewis comprises around 26,000 acres of moorland and hills, with a population of 400 spread among small crofting townships. It’s also where one of Scotland’s bitterest land disputes of recent times has been taking place for the last 10 years. In 2003, the Pàirc community voted to pursue their rights under the Land Reform Act (Scotland) to force private landlord Barry Lomas to sell the estate. Since then, despite professed efforts from both sides to avoid a hostile buyout and reach an amicable transfer of the estate, no agreement has been reached. The community group Pàirc Trust say Mr Lomas has made every effort to stall the process, while Lomas says he wants to sell – for the right price. On Eòrpa this week, Darren Laing reports on the longest running community buyout ever in Scotland.
Islam in France. Islam is the second biggest religion in the world with a billion followers. In France, it would appear that the number of Muslims is about between five and ten per cent of the population – the biggest number in any country in the European Union. But many Muslims in France are suffering from discrimination and many of the French people are worried, at the same time, that their own self-identity is in danger. It’s a country that represents liberty, equality and fraternity in France. Is this still true with the number of Muslims growing at such a rate that there are more around than Catholics? And are there Islamophobic feelings amongst the French population? In France, there is no place for religion in business linked with the government and at the same time, the government cannot take issue with matters linked with religion. Since that is the case, how hard is it for Muslims to take their place in the French way of life?
Bidh Eòrpa air ais le sreath ùr air 21mh den t-Sultain, nuair a bheir sinn thugaibh na sgeulachdan as cudthromaiche bho air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa. Sa chiad phrògram, bidh Darren Linc a-toirt geàrr-chunntais air a' bhuaidh a tha Brexit air a thoirt air an Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus an t-Aonadh Eòrpach, bhon reifreann chun an t-suidheachaidh a tha ann an dràsta. Eòrpa is back with a new series. In the first programme, Darren Laing summarises the impact Brexit has had on the UK and the EU.
Bhon a thachair Brexit, thadhal Alasdair Friseal ann a Gibraltar, far an do bhòt cha mhor a h-uile duine airson fuireach san EU - ach de nisd a tha air thoiseach dhaibh? Cuideachd, tha Darren Linc ag aithris air plana Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Named Person, a tha tabhainn taic do chlann agus deugairean fo aois 18. In the wake of the Brexit vote, Alasdair Fraser reports from Gibraltar, which almost unanimously voted to remain in the EU. But what now lies ahead for the British Overseas Territory? Also Darren Laing is in Scotland where the government plans to assign a named person to all children and young people under the age of 18.
Air Eòrpa na seachdainsa, tha Anne Lundon air a bhith sa Ghearmailt far a bheil àidseantan Tuirceach a' mùidh cron a dhèanamh air sliochd na Gearmailt is na Tuirc', agus tha Alasdair Friseal ann am Barcelona far a bheil turasachd agus taigheadais nan trioblaid mhòr sa bhaile. This week on Eòrpa, Anne Lundon is in Germany where Turkish agents threaten the German/Turkish diaspora, and Alasdair Fraser reports from Barcelona where tourism and available housing are becoming a city-wide issue.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Darren Linc as na h-Eileanan an Iar a' bruidhinn ri iadsan a bhot airson an EU fhàgail, agus tha Anne Lundon as a' Ghearmailt a' coimhead air carson a tha bailtean mar Berlin a' tàladh luchd-obrach bhon Rìoghachd Aonaichte. Darren Laing is in the Western Isles to meet with several islanders who voted to leave the EU, and Anne Lundon is in Germany questioning why cities like Berlin are attracting workers from the UK.
On this week's Eòrpa, a special programme from Italy where Alasdair Fraser reports from Amatrice, epicentre of the recent earthquake in August. Many blame the widespread devastation on the government for the lack of funding to strengthen vulnerable buildings and contractual issues. Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha prògram sònraichte againn bhon Eadailt le Alasdair Friseal ag aithris air an sgrios a rinn an crith-thalmhainn mu dheireadh san Lùnastal. Tha cuid a' cuir a' choire air an Riaghaltais leis nach eil ad a' cosg gu leòr air ath-neartachadh na togalaichean a tha so-leònta, agus air trioblaidean le cùmhnantan.
Tha corr is 60,000 luchd imrich is fògarraich fhathast glacte sa Ghrèig an dèidh aonta Eòrpach a chaidh a shoidhnigeadh an uiridh. Bha còir aig dùthchannan Eòrpach an cuid aca fhèin a ghabhail de dh' fhògarraich a Siria, Iorac, is Eartra a tha feitheamh cead gluasad. Ach, tha nas lugha na 5000 air dachaidh ùr fhaighinn gu ruige seo. Le Darren Linc ag aithris. Over 60,000 refugees remain trapped in Greece after a European deal was signed last year. The deal was supposed to see European countries each taking their share of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Eritrea who are currently awaiting relocation. However, fewer than 5000 have been relocated to date. With Darren Laing reporting.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, prògram sònraichte le taghadh a-mach a ceithir aithrisean mu chùisean ceangailte ri clann. Special compilation containing extracts from four of our reports focusing on issues affecting children.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, an cois Brexit tha ceist ann air mar a thèid dèiligeadh leis a' chrìoch eadar Èirinn a Tuath agus Poblachd na h-Èireann - tha Anne Lundon a' beachdachadh air ciamar a dh' obraicheas seo? Agus ann an Innis Tìle, tha Alasdair Friseal a' faighinn a-mach carson a tha mòran dhaoine òga a' cur an cùl ris an dùthaich. Anne Lundon looks at potential changes to the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the wake of Brexit. Meanwhile, Alasdair Fraser reports on why so many young people are leaving Iceland.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Angela Nicilleathain sa Phòlainn far a bheil na riaghailtean as teinne a thaobh casg breith sa Roinn Eòrpa agus molaidhean ùra a cur a' chaoich air daoine a' strì airson còirichean bhoireannach, agus tha Darren Linc air a bith a ceasnachadh a bheil saoranaich Eòrpach a tha fuireach a seo fhathast a' faireachdainn gu bheil fàilte ga chuir orra, neo bheil iad mar persona non grata? Angela MacLean visits Poland, a country with the strictest laws on abortion in the EU, and where new proposals are angering those fighting for women's rights. Darren Laing questions whether European UK citizens still feel welcome here, or are they more like persona non grata?
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Darren Linc sa Fhraing a' coimhead air de an cron a tha neo nach eil cleachdadh phuinnseanan bhiastagan a deanamh air slàinte dhaoine neo an àrainneachd? Agus tha Angela Nic'Illeathain sa Phòlainn far a bheil draghan ann mu ghlèidteachas coille àrsaidh bho logairean neo-sgrubach. Darren Laing visits France to examine the use of pesticides and whether they have any adverse effects on health or the environment. Angela MacLean visits Poland where there are concerns about the preservation of an ancient forest from unscrupulous loggers.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Darren Linc a' coimhead air draghan mu dheidhinn iosalachadh sluagh as na h-Eileanan an Ìar, agus cuideachd a' bruidhinn ri feadhainn a bhòt airson fuireach san EU. Darren Laing looks at concerns about depopulation in the Western Isles. He also speaks to people who voted to remain in the EU.
Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Anne Lundon san Ugràin far a bheil iad air oidhirp mhòr a dhèanamh a-thaobh trèanadh airson daoine ciorramach a' gabhail pàirt ann an geamanan Oilimpigeach, ach fhathast tha barrachd obair a-thaobh taic ri dhèanamh airson dhaibhsan aig nach eil comas spòrs. On this week's Eòrpa, Anne Lundon is in the Ukraine where great strides have been made towards establishing a highly successful paralympian team, but there is still much work to be done to help those who are unable to be involved in sporting activities.
Tha an Rìoghachd Aonaichte a' dol a dh'fhàgail an Aonaidh Eòrpaich. Tha an Riaghaltas airson aonta ùr malairt a bhith againn leis an EU gun a bhith a' gabhail ri riaghailtean leithid saorsa gluasaid. Le dà bhliadhna de chòmhraidhean le buidhnean an Aonaidh Eòrpaich air thoiseach ge-tà, tha cuid a' faighneachd càite a bheil Brexit a' dol gam fàgail. Leis gun do bhòt Alba airson fuireach, thathas cuideachd a' deasbad a bheil adhbhar ann coimhead air neo-eisimeileachd a-rithist. Tha Eòrpa a' cumail deasbaid shònraichte air a' chùis le panail de dh'eòlaichean, agus Darren Linc sa chathair. The United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, with the government wanting a new trade agreement with the EU without having to comply with rules such as free movement of people. With two years of negotiations with EU institutions ahead, many are asking where Brexit will leave them. Since Scotland voted to remain, the issue of Scottish independence is also being debated with renewed vigour. This edition of Eòrpa is a special Brexit debate, featuring a panel of experts and chaired by Darren Laing.