V reki najdejo truplo, ki na prvi pogled ne kaže znakov nasilja. Nives in Luka, ki sta prisiljena čakat preiskovalnega sodnika, se odločita, da bosta vseeno temeljito raziskala vse okoliščine. Luka se med čakanjem zaupa Nives in se odloči, da bo storil korak, ki bi postavil nove temelje za njegovo zvezo s Saro. Tudi Sara medtem na drugem koncu Bleda razmišlja o svojem ljubezenskem odnosu in prihodnosti. Sodnika še kar ni, vse kaže na dež, po telefonu pa sitnari še Ferdo, ki se smrtno dolgočasi na dopustu.
A corpse is found in the river, which shows no signs of violence. Nives and Luka, forced to wait for the investigating judge, decide to thoroughly investigate all the circumstances. While waiting, Luka confides in Nives and decides to take a step that would lay new foundations for his relationship with Sara. At the other end of Bled, Sara is also thinking about her love affair and future. There is no judge yet, everything points to rain, and Ferdo, who is mortally bored on vacation, is annoying him on the phone.