All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Hidden Treasures

    • March 14, 2019
    • National Geographic

    Sir Ranulph Fiennes & Joseph Fiennes gather at the port of Alexandria where they prep their Land Rovers for the voyage ahead, recreating Sir Ran's first ever expedition along the River Nile. Their journey to Cairo includes a crash course in survival techniques and a visit to see meat eating spiders, highly venomous scorpions and snakes. They spend the night inside the Great Pyramid before reflecting on the first leg of the journey at sunrise.

  • S01E02 Off the Map

    • March 21, 2019
    • National Geographic

    On the second leg of their journey, Ran and Joe spend a night inside the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient world - the Great Pyramid of Giza. On their way to Luxor their cross the 'no man's land', where few tourists venture? Much like Ran in 1969, they have a ferry to catch across the Nile. In Luxor they learn the ancient martial art called Tahtib. On their way south Ran has another test for Joe - a race across the Eastern Desert to the Red Sea.

  • S01E03 No Man's Land

    • March 24, 2019
    • National Geographic

    After weeks of adventure Ran and Joe have finally reached the end of their journey, to the south is the border with Sudan. In this episode, Joe skirts the crocodile infested waters of Lake Nasser and tries his hand at sailing a traditional Egyptian Felucca. Finally, Ran and Joe say goodbye to this incredible country and its lifeblood, the River Nile, just as Ran did half a century before.