Learn German from the street: In this episode Cari explains the difference between the conjunctions "weil", "denn" and "da" that all translate with "because" in English. We also talk about the difference between coordinating conjunctions (as "denn") and subordinating conjunctions (as "weil" and "da). Common coordinating conjunctions are: - aber (but) - denn (because) - doch (but, nevertheless) - jedoch (though) - oder (or) - und (and) - sowohl - als auch (as well as) - weder - noch (neither nor) Common subordinating conjunctions are: - als (when) - damit (so that) - dass (that) - ob (whether) - obwohl (even though) - nachdem (after) - während (while) - wenn (if) - um zu (to) - weil (because) - da (because)