For the past 4 weeks we have brought to you one new video per day during our Easy German month - and it was such a fun that we don’t wanna stop :D So we have decided to keep on producing one video per day - for as long as we are able to. And this is where we’ll need your help too. The Easy German Patreon Community has been incredibly helpful for us in the past few months. Together we have managed to raise a monthly amount of donations that does now almost cover our studio rent and software expenses. Having less to worry about our expenses is incredibly helpful for us and has a direct impact on our creative output. Together we want to make it happen. One new German learning video per day, including many new topics and regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland heart emoticon Also, as a way to thank all of you, we have added one new goodie for our Patreon community: From today we will provide additional material and outtakes of each episodes for all our Patreon supporters. Thank you so