Nach dem großen Treffen der Dollars sind unbemerkt einige Steine ins Rollen gekommen: Celty hat plötzlich die Polizei am Hals, Shinras Vater ist zurück in Tokyo, Mikado erkennt mehr und mehr seine Gefühle für Anri an …
Six months had passed since the Dollars meeting at Ikebukuro. Since then, the police starts chasing Celty tirelessly through the city, leaded by Kinnosuke Kuzuhara, a reckless police biker specially assigned to aprehend her. After losing their tail, Celty is asked by Shinra to pick his father Shingen who just arrived at Japan. Meanwhile, another urban legend, the mysterious assailant known as "The Slasher" is attracting the media's attention as his/her identity is a mystery, and just when Anri was being bullied by the same girls who harassed her before, The Slasher appears and cuts them down before her.
Sono passati sei mesi dall'incontro dei Dollars a Ikebukuro. Da allora, la polizia inizia a dare la caccia a Celty instancabilmente per tutta la città, guidati da Kinnosuke Kuzuhara, uno spericolato poliziotto motociclista specificamente incaricato di arrestarla. Nel frattempo, un'altra leggenda metropolitana, il misterioso aggressore conosciuto come "Laceratore", la cui identità è un mistero, attira l'attenzione dei media.
Han pasado seis meses desde la reunión de los Dollars e Ikebukuro parece haber regresado a la normalidad. Pero en las sombras, los Bufandas Amarillas y el apuñalador han estado más activos. Una sombra se aproxima para acabar con sus días de paz y los personajes se ven forzados a enfrentarse a su pasado y a su presente.