Home / Series / Drunken Peasants / Aired Order / Season 10 / Episode 1139

Baked Alaska's PRE-INCARCERATION Interview - Alec Baldwin CHARGED - The Santos Saga CONTINUES

Drunken Peasants (DP) is an American social, popular culture, and political commentary podcast that started in January, 2014. The podcast was originally hosted by the mononymous Ben (aka. Benpai), TJ Kirk, Scotty Kirk. Paul Parkey, Jr. (aka. PaulsEgo) became the fourth host in 2016. As of February 2018, the podcast is hosted by Ben and William Berry (aka. Billy the Fridge), along with a rotating lineup of guest hosts.

  • Originally Aired January 19, 2023
  • Runtime 167 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Notes Is the series finale
  • Created January 20, 2023 by
  • Modified January 20, 2023 by